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Canton Mckinley Rifle and Pistol Clup CMP 2700 Pistol Match - May 3, 2020

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Canton Mckinley Rifle and Pistol Clup CMP 2700 Pistol Match - May 3, 2020 Empty Canton Mckinley Rifle and Pistol Clup CMP 2700 Pistol Match - May 3, 2020

Post by Grouse 3/3/2020, 9:02 am

Dates:  May 3, 2020
Sponsor:  Canton McKinley Rifle and Pistol Club
Firing Time:  9:00 a.m., one relay, 45 firing points
Rules:  Current CMP rules shall govern
Classification:  CMP classification will be used. Individuals who have not been classified will fire unclassified Master Class.
Eligibility:  Open to any individual pursuant to CMP Rules 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
Entries: Entry Fees may be paid by check (made out to CMR&P Club) or you may mail entries to:
                                                            Ernie Thibault
                                                         842 Vincent Blvd.
                                                         Alliance, Ohio 44601      Phone: (330) 206-5590
E-Mail Registration to: ohiopolicecombatpistol@gmail.com 
Please include the following information: Name, Address, CMP number, Classification, for my records if you are any of the following: Service, Police, Civilian, Senior, Woman or Junior.
Registration Fees:
Package fee for all matches and aggregates                 $30.00
Awards:  The following schedule will be paid in each match. An open award will be made for the highest score fired in each match. An open winner will not be eligible for a class award in that match. An award will be made in each individual match in each class where there are five (5) or more entries at the rate of one (1) award per seven (7) competitors or major fraction thereof. Should there be fewer than five (5) competitors in a class they will be moved to the next higher class. Fewer than four (4) High Masters will compete for open awards only.
Award payout: 50%
Match Conditions:  Competitors will pass their scorecards to the right, and score the target to their left. Competitors will be required to change their own targets. Use of the plug-type scoring gauge will be restricted to range personnel. A challenge fee of $1.00 will be charged for each challenge made. CMP rules will govern all challenges. Scorers and competitors will sign and turn in their scorecards at the end of each caliber match. Competitors are required to check all mathematical sums for errors on their score card before submitting to statistician. If any errors are found, competitor shall notify statistician.
Facilities:  Food, drinks, water, and restrooms available.
Location:  Canton McKinley R&P Club
                   5527 Tyro St. NE
                   Canton, OH 44721             http://www.cantonmckinleyriflepistol.org/


Posts : 51
Join date : 2018-01-25
Location : Canton, Ohio

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Canton Mckinley Rifle and Pistol Clup CMP 2700 Pistol Match - May 3, 2020 Empty Re: Canton Mckinley Rifle and Pistol Clup CMP 2700 Pistol Match - May 3, 2020

Post by Ghillieman 3/5/2020, 10:50 am

I'm going to try to make it!

There's going to be a LOT of unclassified shooters in the Master class! Not many people have the new CMP Match Pistol classification.

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Canton Mckinley Rifle and Pistol Clup CMP 2700 Pistol Match - May 3, 2020 Empty Re: Canton Mckinley Rifle and Pistol Clup CMP 2700 Pistol Match - May 3, 2020

Post by james r chapman 3/5/2020, 11:56 am

Canton Mckinley Rifle and Pistol Clup CMP 2700 Pistol Match - May 3, 2020 C6dfac10
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Join date : 2012-01-31
Age : 75
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