Cheap EIC service pistol
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Cheap EIC service pistol
XDM 5.25 9mm for $469.
These guns aren't bad, but they're a little harder to shoot consistently than a good 1911. But at this price you could get the barrel welded up and buy a trigger kit and still be under $700.
XDM 5.25 9mm for $469.
These guns aren't bad, but they're a little harder to shoot consistently than a good 1911. But at this price you could get the barrel welded up and buy a trigger kit and still be under $700.
rreid- Posts : 562
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
Screaming deal
JayhawkNavy02- Posts : 821
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
You can spend a little to improve trigger and barrel but probably unnecessary. The pistol is capable of EIC point scores right out of the box. If your good enough.
LenV- Posts : 4797
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
Len, you're probably right. I was already distinguished, so I wanted to get mine set up to make the President's 100.
rreid- Posts : 562
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
LenV wrote:...The pistol is capable of EIC point scores right out of the box....
What off-the-shelf ammo would you use with this pistol for an EIC match?
SonOfAGun- Posts : 172
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
I would use Remington, Winchester or Federal 115gr RN FMJ's. All 3 of those manufacturers produce a quality jacketed bullet capable of scoring points. Good luck finding them. My local Bi-mart still has them on the shelve but a lot of online sellers appear to be out.
LenV- Posts : 4797
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
Atlanta Arms Elite 124 gr
JayhawkNavy02- Posts : 821
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
Wonder what that bullet is?JayhawkNavy02 wrote:Atlanta Arms Elite 124 gr
Looks like a precision delta
lablover- Posts : 1275
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
lablover wrote:Wonder what that bullet is?JayhawkNavy02 wrote:Atlanta Arms Elite 124 gr
Looks like a precision delta
Hornady XTP more likely.
JayhawkNavy02- Posts : 821
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
Good point. I was thinking more economical...JayhawkNavy02 wrote:lablover wrote:Wonder what that bullet is?JayhawkNavy02 wrote:Atlanta Arms Elite 124 gr
Looks like a precision delta
Hornady XTP more likely.
lablover- Posts : 1275
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
Cheap is more than just initial purchase. 9mm requires 1000+ fps to be 50 yd accurate, and new brass to group at 50 yds. So the bullets and brass drive the price up for the long haul. And it’s snappy recoil can be more than soft 45 loads.
A RO in 45 really just needs a trigger job on the stock parts and it will give you a pistol that can win the majority of the eic matches out there based on attendance alone (throw out bigger regionals and nationals because best shooters are present).
You can use range brass and cheapest jacketed bullets you can find online and probably get close to 3” at 50 yds with RO.
Majority of eic shooters choke on the line when shooting the match. So the best guns typically are not the ones getting the points, it’s the guy with his head screwed on straight.
Yes I prefer best gun on the line approach, but we’re talking cheap!
I once took 2nd in a 2700 with many 2650+ shooters on the line with a Colt 1991A1 with welded up stock barrel and a grip mount; broke 880 cf & 45.
Get the RO!
A RO in 45 really just needs a trigger job on the stock parts and it will give you a pistol that can win the majority of the eic matches out there based on attendance alone (throw out bigger regionals and nationals because best shooters are present).
You can use range brass and cheapest jacketed bullets you can find online and probably get close to 3” at 50 yds with RO.
Majority of eic shooters choke on the line when shooting the match. So the best guns typically are not the ones getting the points, it’s the guy with his head screwed on straight.
Yes I prefer best gun on the line approach, but we’re talking cheap!
I once took 2nd in a 2700 with many 2650+ shooters on the line with a Colt 1991A1 with welded up stock barrel and a grip mount; broke 880 cf & 45.
Get the RO!
Jon Eulette- Posts : 4399
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
Yea, but if you already have a XDM 5.25 collecting dust..why not.
lablover- Posts : 1275
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
Please explain "welded up". I understand it's to improve the fit of the barrel, but what portion has the metal added? The one I handled felt like it was under 4 Lb. For a striker fired gun are there any springs to tweak like you can with a 1911 to increase or decrease the weight.
In the store this gun felt better in my hand and had a better trigger than my Glock 19. Springfield had screaming deals at Perry last year, might want to take advantage if they have this model this year...........and if the matches are on.
All that said I really really like my Range Officer .45 with a KC roll trigger fitted by KC. It's a better gun.
In the store this gun felt better in my hand and had a better trigger than my Glock 19. Springfield had screaming deals at Perry last year, might want to take advantage if they have this model this year...........and if the matches are on.
All that said I really really like my Range Officer .45 with a KC roll trigger fitted by KC. It's a better gun.
Arthur- Posts : 158
Join date : 2018-09-15
Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
I have both a range officer and a XD 5.25 9mm. Both will clean targets at 25yds which is most of the points in an EIC match. I bought my xd used in the same ball park as the price mentioned by the op. I would't say its a better option than a 1911, its just different, which really isn't a bad thing.
chiz1180- Posts : 1573
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
Welded Up; barrel hood and bottom barrel lugs welded oversized and refit. Colt barrels will shoot nice groups, but their downfall is they are undersized and you cannot fit the upper barrel lugs.
Jon Eulette- Posts : 4399
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
If you were asking about the XDM you can have the pad on the bottom of the barrel welded and fit to remove any play when going into battery. As for the trigger there are kits from Powder River Precision and Springer Precision. I have both and prefer the Powder River Precision "Ultimate Match Target Trigger Kit for XDM".Arthur wrote:Please explain "welded up". I understand it's to improve the fit of the barrel, but what portion has the metal added? The one I handled felt like it was under 4 Lb. For a striker fired gun are there any springs to tweak like you can with a 1911 to increase or decrease the weight.
In the store this gun felt better in my hand and had a better trigger than my Glock 19. Springfield had screaming deals at Perry last year, might want to take advantage if they have this model this year...........and if the matches are on.
All that said I really really like my Range Officer .45 with a KC roll trigger fitted by KC. It's a better gun.
- Dave
dronning- Posts : 2581
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
Yep, PRP ultimate is the way to go and what the AMU uses.
JayhawkNavy02- Posts : 821
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Re: Cheap EIC service pistol
Great learning for me!! Thanks for the information.
Arthur- Posts : 158
Join date : 2018-09-15
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