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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

David R
L Valdez
BE Mike
james r chapman
James Hensler
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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by James Hensler 3/17/2020, 6:26 pm

Time to boycott cheaper than dirt C9f32310
Time to boycott cheaper than dirt 79322910
Look at this shit!
James Hensler
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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by james r chapman 3/17/2020, 8:07 pm

Always have.
that's their history.
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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Who would the left or right mind would

Post by xman 3/17/2020, 8:36 pm

Who would the left or right mind would
Buy ammo at that price of that quality when Ely wolf SK etc. would be cheaper

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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by zanemoseley 3/17/2020, 9:37 pm

Sweet Jesus don't even mention 22lr ammo right now. At least I'm sitting on a case and a half. I remember having to pay $475 for a case of CCI SV after tax and shipping on the last freak out.


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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by James Hensler 3/18/2020, 4:47 am

zanemoseley wrote:Sweet Jesus don't even mention 22lr ammo right now. At least I'm sitting on a case and a half. I remember having to pay $475 for a case of CCI SV after tax and shipping on the last freak out.
It’s over 2k here
James Hensler
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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by BE Mike 3/18/2020, 8:36 am

I am surprised that Cheaper Than Dirt is still in business after their last price gouging efforts. They have been on my sh*t list ever since.
BE Mike
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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by Al 3/18/2020, 8:46 am

BE Mike wrote:I am surprised that Cheaper Than Dirt is still in business after their last price gouging efforts. They have been on my sh*t list ever since.


Not one red cent to the gouging b^$$trds.


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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by L Valdez 3/18/2020, 10:37 am

You should see what their toilet paper prices are.

L Valdez

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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by James Hensler 3/18/2020, 10:42 am

L Valdez wrote:You should see what their toilet paper prices are.
I work at a Walmart Distribution Center and after my shift they was handing out 16 rolls! So now we can wipe our asses again before handling your food! Lmao
James Hensler
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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by aub1957 3/18/2020, 10:43 am

I had no idea about the ammo run. Glad I ordered a case of CCI SV a few weeks ago for practice.

I see where SG Ammo isn't taking anymore orders right now.


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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by weber1b 3/18/2020, 11:06 am

They may have been cheaper than dirt at one time but have not been in a very long time. I stopped even looking at them some time ago. I guess at inflated prices you don't have to sell much to do well.


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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by mikld 3/18/2020, 3:45 pm

Not defending CTD! But does anybody know, for sure, what their prices were last month, or two weeks ago? I haven't done any business with them, that I can remember, since the last panic so it's of no concern to me but I like to know facts before I condemn anyone...


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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by Wobbley 3/18/2020, 3:46 pm

Last I looked a few months ago they were comparable to anyone else.

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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by David R 3/18/2020, 3:58 pm

I have been buying my CCI SV from Taregetsportsusa.    Last time I bought a spare case it was $259 delivered to my door.  

Today Its $539, the same as CTD.

I have a spare case......

Shooting sports USA has CCI SV for $2.50 a box.

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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by lablover 3/18/2020, 4:11 pm

David R wrote:I have been buying my CCI SV from Taregetsportsusa.    Last time I bought a spare case it was $259 delivered to my door.  

Today Its $539, the same as CTD.

I have a spare case......

Shooting sports USA has CCI SV for $2.50 a box.

That’s odd. I just checked and firstly it’s out of stock..next it’s 279.00 a case. Can’t see where you got 539.00.?


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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by James Hensler 3/18/2020, 4:29 pm

David R wrote:I have been buying my CCI SV from Taregetsportsusa.    Last time I bought a spare case it was $259 delivered to my door.  

Today Its $539, the same as CTD.

I have a spare case......

Shooting sports USA has CCI SV for $2.50 a box.

Show us a pic where CTD is 539!!!
James Hensler
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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by James Hensler 3/18/2020, 4:36 pm

As of right now! Nice of the to lower it from 2000Time to boycott cheaper than dirt 2b4d2010
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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by james r chapman 3/18/2020, 5:34 pm

Time to boycott cheaper than dirt 802a5210
james r chapman
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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by james r chapman 3/18/2020, 5:37 pm

Time to boycott cheaper than dirt F5058c10
james r chapman
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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by James Hensler 3/18/2020, 5:46 pm

The title was time to boycott Cheaper than Dirt not Target Sports
As far as Target Sports goes that’s where I get my stuff from and in Jan my total from them for 5000 was 243 to my door. They are out of stock so that’s why it’s still cheap.

If anyone posted for sell in the classified section 5000 CCI SV for 800 bucks people would be all over his ass like flies on shit! Let alone 1500-2000
James Hensler
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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by PhotoEscape 3/18/2020, 6:34 pm

I think, I need to chime in, may be even for my own detriment!

You live in a free country.  You are free not to buy from any place who's price you don't like, or for that matter for any reason.  However on the same note you cannot dictate anyone against setting pricing they want.  While I agree with you, that actions and pricing set by Cheaper Than Dirt is immoral, and I personally will not do business with this company, I respect its rights.  The very same way I respect right of your employer to stop selling certain firearms.  I stopped buying pretty much anything at Walmart regardless of price, and I must be hard pressed to work there, but that is my individual choice.  Market economy will make it right no matter what, sooner or later!

That is IMHO!

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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by James Hensler 3/18/2020, 6:53 pm

I agree with you on every point! I started this post to bring it to the attention of as many of the forum members as I could. I hope in time this gouging company goes under
James Hensler
James Hensler

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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by Wobbley 3/18/2020, 6:57 pm

I agree, but I also think that the manufacturers and distributors can chose who they supply, when they supply them and how much they supply.  Here, since CTD has shown their ugly side once more, will the supply chain just restock them so CTD can rake in obscene profits or will these people chose to resupply the more level headed businesses?

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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by smsnyder 3/18/2020, 7:06 pm



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Time to boycott cheaper than dirt Empty Re: Time to boycott cheaper than dirt

Post by PhotoEscape 3/18/2020, 7:07 pm

Wobbley wrote:I agree, but I also think that the manufacturers and distributors can chose who they supply, when they supply them and how much they supply.  Here, since CTD has shown their ugly side once more, will the supply chain just restock them so CTD can rake in obscene profits or will these people chose to resupply the more level headed businesses?

The answer here is very simple - manufacturers will re-supply distributors and sellers that will place orders.  Sellers who sell inventory faster will re-order faster.  It is economics 101 - supply and demand.  Keep in mind that there are people who would not blink paying CTD price for the right to have it, - they deserve to be screwed!  That is demand side, and demand will drive price up if supply isn't keeping up.  We've been there not so long ago.

Once again, my 2 pennies.


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