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Ultradot mount on a revolver

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Ultradot mount on a revolver Empty Ultradot mount on a revolver

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2020 11:43 pm

I'm continuing to experiment with various different types of red dot sights in an effort to reach the best combination to suit my eyes (which are less than perfect). I recently decided to install mini Weig-a-tinny mounts on my set of "2700" S&W revolvers(17-4, 16-4, 25-2). 

My original intention was to use SIG Romeo 5 sights, but I did not like the 2moa dot. I've now got SIG STS-081 4moa dots installed, like this, with PhotoEscape shades and UD 30mm extension in front.
Ultradot mount on a revolver Sig_re10

However, I much prefer the Ultradot 1" red dots, the controls are much cleaner and more easily accessible and the dot, to my eyes at least, is much rounder and less prone to "starburst" than any other sights I've tried. So, I had a go at installing a spare UD 1" on the mini mount of my 25-2. These are Warne heavy duty steel rings, they are quite heavy, I might switch to a somewhat lighter, but still very sturdy Aluminum version of these which I've recently found.

My question is - does anyone have any idea whether the Ultradot sight will be OK if mounted in this manner?
Ultradot mount on a revolver Ud_on_10


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Ultradot mount on a revolver Empty Re: Ultradot mount on a revolver

Post by LenV Sun Apr 12, 2020 12:44 am

Why do it that way? The Weaver mount costs about 10.00 and works great for our low recoil loads.


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Ultradot mount on a revolver Empty Re: Ultradot mount on a revolver

Post by LenV Sun Apr 12, 2020 12:57 am

Roy, If you do want to use the small base I suggest you go to a larger single ring. I've had good luck with the Burris and better clones. Buy a set and do two pistols

Ultradot mount on a revolver S-l1600
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Ultradot mount on a revolver Empty Re: Ultradot mount on a revolver

Post by WesG Sun Apr 12, 2020 2:05 am

My concern would whether the rings actually match each other. I have a fair amount of bad experience in that regard.

If the sight dropped in freely, and didn't rock, it's probably ok.


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Ultradot mount on a revolver Empty Re: Ultradot mount on a revolver

Post by Bigtrout Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:14 am

I used the Wiegatinny rail on my S&W 986.  It worked very well.  But I only shot 300 rounds before I changed to a mag scope because of the UD image reduction.

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Ultradot mount on a revolver Empty Re: Ultradot mount on a revolver

Post by Guest Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:21 am

Len. Good suggestion re weaver. I must have at least one of those in the parts drawer. Will try again.
Wes. The Warne rings are very precise and uniform, so no problem alignng them. But heavy. Got clones in Aluminum which might be better. Will try again.



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