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CMP Match Pistol and NRA Pistol Classifications

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CMP Match Pistol and NRA Pistol Classifications Empty CMP Match Pistol and NRA Pistol Classifications

Post by TonyH Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:00 pm

Now that some matches are starting up again and the first major one in the Midwest (Bristol, IN - CMP sanctioned) is this coming weekend, I was curious about how MD's were planning on keeping score tallies, awards etc. and tracking two different types of CMP classifications (NT/EIC and Match Pistol) and NRA Classifications. I know that both NRA and CMP track them at the individual level and they can be found on their respective web sites. Even though the CMP Match Pistol and NRA classifications follow the same percentage brackets, the achievement/tracking mechanism is completely different. the CMP states that one can use the NRA classification for CMP matches if it the same or higher than the CMP one, but a lower NRA one cannot be used etc. etc. The NT/EIC classification system is completely different
Are the various existing tools everyone is using, up to the task and capable of adapting to CMP rules? Has anyone looked at the details, developed new solutions, edited existing ones? Does it matter?
I've been using PSM online thus far for NRA type matches....and have been in touch with Richard (developer) regarding the above. Thoughts?

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Join date : 2018-08-06
Location : Utah's Dixie

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