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H&G #50 wadcutter - suggested alloy.

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H&G #50 wadcutter - suggested alloy. Empty H&G #50 wadcutter - suggested alloy.

Post by USSR 9/13/2020, 4:48 pm

Got the mold yesterday, and although it was made sometime between 1941 and 1964, it looks to be little used.   Been trying to decide what alloy to use.   H&G used Lyman #2 to determine the bullet diameters, and while I could use that, I'm thinking something a bit softer.   Most of my bullets are cast using either 96.00 Pb/1.25 Sb/2.50 Sn or 95.00 Pb/2.50 Sb/2.50 Sn depending upon velocity/pressure.   Loads will be 700fps - 800fps.   What say you?


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Join date : 2017-07-14
Age : 74
Location : Finger Lakes Region of NY

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H&G #50 wadcutter - suggested alloy. Empty Re: H&G #50 wadcutter - suggested alloy.

Post by Wobbley 9/13/2020, 5:37 pm

Of the two 95/2.5/2.5 will give a brinell of 10-12 and that’s what I’d use.

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H&G #50 wadcutter - suggested alloy. Empty Re: H&G #50 wadcutter - suggested alloy.

Post by noylj 9/13/2020, 10:12 pm

2.5 Sn is too much Sn (2.0 is max needed). Alloy not important except if you are using it to control diameter.
All my cast bullets are shot as-cast (no sizing) and I've never had a problem with 11-13 BHN for size and no issues, even in .44 Rem Mag, with leading.
Size and Fit. Size and Fit.


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H&G #50 wadcutter - suggested alloy. Empty Re: H&G #50 wadcutter - suggested alloy.

Post by USSR 9/17/2020, 7:04 pm

Used the 95/2.5/2.5 alloy, and glad I did.   Bullets dropped at .3585".   Used a .359" sizing die (so no sizing) and lubed just the lower lube groove.   This H&G mould is the nicest casting mould that I have - it's right up there with my Accurate brass mould, and that's saying something.


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Join date : 2017-07-14
Age : 74
Location : Finger Lakes Region of NY

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