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185gr copper plated flat point

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185gr copper plated flat point Empty 185gr copper plated flat point

Post by Mightyheb 10/20/2020, 11:46 am

Sorry this isn’t a bullseye shooting question but I own a different gun 

I just purchased a DW Vigil Commander 45 and I am trying to find loads for 185gr FP with bullseye powder.

Any reloaders using bullseye powder and 185gr copper plated that would be willing to help a brother out. ( grains, oal, etc.)

I am not looking for a bullseye load. I currently load 4.6gr BE in my competition gun but that has a 13# recoil spring. This gun has an 18# spring and has a 4/14 barrel opposed to a 5" barrel

Posts : 166
Join date : 2017-03-10
Location : Charlotte, NC

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185gr copper plated flat point Empty Re: 185gr copper plated flat point

Post by PhotoEscape 10/20/2020, 10:28 pm

Few years ago in conversation with Les Baer, he suggested 5.0gr of BE under either 185 gr and 200 gr plated bullets.  Accuracy is excellent up to 25Y.  I've never tested beyond that.  OAL for 185 - 1.178" with CCI300 and for 200 - 1.200" with WLP or Rem 2 1/2.  I tested these loads with non-BE guns at that time, DW RZ45, Walther PPQ M2, Wilcon Combat CQB and Glock 41/4.


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Join date : 2018-05-15
Location : Northern Illinois, USA

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