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9mm 125gr lead flat point

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9mm 125gr lead flat point Empty 9mm 125gr lead flat point

Post by Lamar H 3/2/2023, 1:57 pm

I have box of 500 I would like to play with for pleasure at 50".
Can't find much info on powder and length.
I have AA#5,Bullseye, #231,WST, Tight Group, Clays, and Unique.
These will shot in a Beretta 92 (adjustable sights and some work) and stock
S&W 439.
Any help would be appreciated.

Lamar H

Lamar H

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9mm 125gr lead flat point Empty Re: 9mm 125gr lead flat point

Post by Kp321 3/2/2023, 2:28 pm

I am using 4.0 gr Bullseye with a 130 gr flat nose lead bullet.


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Join date : 2019-06-17

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9mm 125gr lead flat point Empty Re: 9mm 125gr lead flat point

Post by LenV 3/2/2023, 2:33 pm

Might want to rethink the 439. Mine's very finicky about feeding anything except round nose. It won't feed 147gr fp bullets. Ok, it will feed about half the time but that sucks for an EDC. 


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