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S&W 41 grips for a Hammerli 208

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S&W 41 grips for a Hammerli 208 Empty S&W 41 grips for a Hammerli 208

Post by hammerli 12/25/2020, 3:35 am

I have three Hammerli pistols, one in 22 short and one 208 and the other is, I think, a 207 .22 lr

I see some beautiful grips made for the S&W Mod 41 and since I dont have one of these I wonder if the grips from a Model 41 can be adapted to fit a Hammerli 208


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S&W 41 grips for a Hammerli 208 Empty Re: S&W 41 grips for a Hammerli 208

Post by CrankyThunder 12/25/2020, 6:52 am

have you checked out the nils grips?  I think they make them for the Hammerli

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S&W 41 grips for a Hammerli 208 Empty Re: S&W 41 grips for a Hammerli 208

Post by hammerli 12/25/2020, 9:31 pm

Thank you, yes I do have some Nill grips for my match guns but they are expensive and not as beautiful as those made by some American grip makers. I see some very nice grips for the Model 41 in Rosewood and Walnut with checkering all for US$ 75 . If they can be modified then I would buy 4 such grips.
Maybe not, but I live in hope


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S&W 41 grips for a Hammerli 208 Empty Re: S&W 41 grips for a Hammerli 208

Post by CrankyThunder 12/26/2020, 6:29 am

Might want to consider searching gunbroker, ebay, and the gun shows and pick up a pair of old beat up model 41 grips on the cheap and see for yourself there Hammerli

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S&W 41 grips for a Hammerli 208 Empty Re: S&W 41 grips for a Hammerli 208

Post by Dave-Cooper 12/26/2020, 7:38 pm


I saw your post regarding a M41 grip on a Hammerli. Take a look at this link.


These may be the grips CrankyThunder is referring to. They are similar in concept to the stock M41 grip.
If you want to get one of these grips, I have one that's like new that I'd give you a good deal on.

Best Regards,


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Join date : 2016-01-16

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