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Adjusting Hammerli grips

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Adjusting Hammerli grips Empty Adjusting Hammerli grips

Post by faraim Mon May 29, 2023 1:27 pm

If you have an anatomical grip that fits someone else's hand, then make it fit yours. I'm no sculptor or gunsmith, but with just a bit of sandpaper and time I no longer have to grip my Hammerli sideways. I started with my finger pad on the trigger and sanded off everything that got in the way of me gripping the handgun the way I wanted. Luckily for me, the wood was too large. If it had been too small, I would've been forced to search for putty or epoxy or something similar to make it fit. Now I need to teach myself to stipple. Don't be afraid to experiment. Adjusting Hammerli grips Img_2310

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Join date : 2020-06-10

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Adjusting Hammerli grips Empty Re: Adjusting Hammerli grips

Post by -TT- Tue May 30, 2023 12:09 pm

faraim wrote:... Now I need to teach myself to stipple.

Try holding a #0 or #1 Phillips bit lightly in one hand, between your thumb and index finger, and tapping it with a small hammer with your other. You can move it around between whacks and it's pretty easy to do a good job.

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Adjusting Hammerli grips Empty Re: Adjusting Hammerli grips

Post by faraim Tue May 30, 2023 12:30 pm

Thanks, TT. I have a couple of broken drift pins I may sharpen and use also. Those long Phillips bits with hex bases would be perfect also.

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Join date : 2020-06-10

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Adjusting Hammerli grips Empty Re: Adjusting Hammerli grips

Post by Sa-tevp Tue May 30, 2023 7:37 pm

Wedge a small nail in the slit in the head of a tack hammer. With a little practice you figure out the wrist action. Do the details slowly, like edges first, then go to town. Alternate between hard - medium - light strikes. Brush the dust off with a wire brush and a wipe with coarse sandpaper. This technique will come very close to what I see in your image of the grip. You can also adjust the shape of the nail to get best results.

If I am working on a Rink grip I will refinish with Schaftol Gun Stock Oil but I like tung oil better for grippiness and the finish lasts longer.

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Location : Georgia

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