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Metalic silhouette loads

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Metalic silhouette loads Empty Metalic silhouette loads

Post by gasboffer Thu May 02, 2013 10:46 pm

I will be starting practice for a International silhouette match this summer. I'm entered in the "Bordello" class, (That's just what it sounds like, 4" bbl, no adjusting sights, standing.) Targets are half-size metalic silhouettes of chicken ..25 meters. Pigs..50 meters. Turkey..75 meters. Rams..100 meters. I will be shooting a XDM .45ACP.

I have been checking for accuracy..200 gr. Lyman SWC, 200 gr. Lee RNFP, Lee 200 gr. #68 clone, and RCBS 200 SWC. I have several other molds that should be satisfactory, but have not gotten quite the accuracy as those listed.

I realize this is quite different from bullseye, but thought some of you might have some pointers.

Thanks, Clyde


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Join date : 2012-05-20

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