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Pardini 32 ACP/32 S&WL Magazines

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Pardini 32 ACP/32 S&WL Magazines Empty Pardini 32 ACP/32 S&WL Magazines

Post by beeser 4/19/2021, 5:42 pm

I really like to shoot my Pardini 32 ACP and S&WL pistols but the magazines give me fits.  Loading is a chore even with the help of a speed loader.  The loader pushes down on the rear part of the cartridge causing it to tilt upwards toward the front.  Not a problem with the first few rounds but loading becomes progressively harder, especially with the last round.  And if the last round is not set correctly it will not chamber in the pistol.  The problem is compounded by the longer S&WL cartridge.  Is there a technique or tool that makes loading easier?  I really like the UpLULA used to load 45 ACP.  The Baby UpLULA would seem to solve the problem but it doesn't work on Pardini magazines.  The forward lip on the magazine gets in the way.


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Pardini 32 ACP/32 S&WL Magazines Empty Re: Pardini 32 ACP/32 S&WL Magazines

Post by Guest 4/19/2021, 5:46 pm

I bought a baby uplula and tried to customise it to load Pardini 32ACP - I never managed to get it to work. Ho hum!


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Pardini 32 ACP/32 S&WL Magazines Empty Re: Pardini 32 ACP/32 S&WL Magazines

Post by Dr.Don 4/20/2021, 8:34 am

Rimmed and semi-rimmed cartridges are always going to be trickier to stack in a magazine than rimless.  You also have to watch out for rimlock, so it takes a little extra care.  Part of life......

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Pardini 32 ACP/32 S&WL Magazines Empty Re: Pardini 32 ACP/32 S&WL Magazines

Post by beeser 4/20/2021, 3:50 pm

Dr.Don wrote:Rimmed and semi-rimmed cartridges are always going to be trickier to stack in a magazine than rimless.  You also have to watch out for rimlock, so it takes a little extra care.  Part of life......
I never thought about that before but it makes sense.  The more they are stacked the greater the angle.

As an aside, I was a little skeptical about the magazine used on the MatchGun MG2 with the bullet nose jammed against the bullet case.  But it works surprisingly well and is easy to load, easier than the Pardini magazine.


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Pardini 32 ACP/32 S&WL Magazines Empty Re: Pardini 32 ACP/32 S&WL Magazines

Post by messenger 4/20/2021, 5:29 pm

I used to get some nasty gouges in my index finger. I found a couple cheap mag loaders and got the dremel out and after a little grinding I ended up with a really good loader (center). The other two on either side are 3D printed for the Pardini but are not nearly as good. It's hard to read the circled word but I think it says adco or abco, Superthumb is written underneath. Inside dimensions are exactly the same as the mag. The other two are slightly larger and allow the mag to move around too much. I might see about having my son print some. I have a birthday coming up.

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