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Lowest sight mounts for handgun

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Lowest sight mounts for handgun Empty Lowest sight mounts for handgun

Post by mikemyers Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:06 pm

I'm posting this as it might help others - I wish I had known it long ago, it would have helped me several times.

I mostly use parts I've already got when possible, so when I bought a new 1" Ultradot, I used a "strong" pair of sight mounts instead of the inexpensive mounts that come with the sight - and which separate in a vertical plane, meaning the sight won't be aligned once you mess with them.  I prefer the mounts that separate in a horizontal plane.  My old mounts were supposedly already low, but I now see they were anything but.

I ordered a pair of light, low, mounts from Amazon, but they look sort of flimsy, which I guess is reasonable considering the price, $9 for the pair.  
I will give them away, or return them.

Then I asked Dave Salyer, who suggested this pair of Leopold mounts:

Lowest sight mounts for handgun Img_4115

My old mounts weighed 4.5 oz., and used six screws to clamp on the sight.
My new Leopolds weigh 2.0 oz, using two screws for clamping.

My old mounts look "rugged".  The Leopolds look much better designed.

The side-by-side photo shows the difference in mounting height.

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Lowest sight mounts for handgun Empty Re: Lowest sight mounts for handgun

Post by rreid Thu Apr 22, 2021 9:31 pm

I use these with a 1" ultradot. You could not slip a credit card between the scope tube and the rail. https://www.opticsplanet.com/weaver-standard-detachable.html

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Lowest sight mounts for handgun Empty Re: Lowest sight mounts for handgun

Post by WesG Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:53 pm

I've got a couple sets of the Rifleman. Milled one set down to 1/2" thick on the upper portion to save some weight. That saved an amount of weight not worth the effort, a tick over a half ounce for the pair. 30mm  Medium rings though, 2.6 oz out of the package.

For a 45, I'd move up to the Back Country rings with 4 screws. Not a whole lot heavier, 3.2 oz for a pair of 30mm low height.

I've pulled my MD-2 off of my Les Baer, UD vertical split rings, and the base off the slide, and it was pretty well zeroed when I put it all back together.


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