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First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses

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First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses Empty First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses

Post by Rob Kovach Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:54 pm

I was practicing for hardball at the 50 yardline, and my buddy offered me one of those eyepal diopters. http://www.eyepalusa.com/
I can't be emphatic enough about how amazing the difference was. When I shoot irons, and I'm focusing on the front sight, I can't hardly see any black on the target. With this diopter the target shows up very well and I shot this:
First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses Diopte11

The 5 worst shots (ignore those 30cal holes...I was helping a rifle shooter) were without the diopter. The rest of the shots were with the diopter. It's awesome.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Age : 51
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First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses Empty Re: First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses

Post by Founder Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:35 am

Nice shooting Rob!

Are you shooting the match today at menomee falls? EIC match and 1800!

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First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses Empty Re: First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses

Post by Rob Kovach Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:52 am

Yup. See you there. Afternoon relay. Do you want to carpool?
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses Empty Re: First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses

Post by Taroman Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:15 pm

Does the Eye pal actually contain a diopter or is it just a pinhole?

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Join date : 2013-03-24

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First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses Empty Re: First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses

Post by Rob Kovach Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:24 pm

It's just a pinhole.  I don't understand how it works, but it is really a night and day difference for me.  Without it, all I see is a manila blur--no black at all.  With it, the black is very easy for me to line up with the Front Sight Post.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses Empty Re: First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses

Post by DeweyHales Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:51 pm

If you can see the target even without the black, it becomes a blank target drill.  

Each of us sees a bit differently, and we need to figure out, for us, exactly what we need to see to shoot well.   

Diopters can be very helpful for slow fire, but in rapid, I have found it to be too much.

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First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses Empty Re: First time Shooting Irons with a diopter cling stuck to my glasses

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