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Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target”

james r chapman
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Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target” Empty Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target”

Post by RodJ 7/29/2021, 4:13 pm

I apologize in advance, but I can’t understand (or find definitive info on) GB advertisements for a 1911-A1,RO, and RO Target.  And each have the target sights but may or may not say RO or RO Target on the the left side of the slide. 

 One advert says the (new in box) RO Target has a hi-viz fiber optic front sight (commercial dealer). That’s makes no sense.

Am I missing some subtle difference?

Anyway, the reason is I am wanting to purchase one in lieu of my fathers old Colt 1970’s Gold Cup Natl Match. 

Sorry if I’m beating a dead horse.


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Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target” Empty Re: Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target”

Post by james r chapman 7/29/2021, 6:17 pm

What’s wrong with your Dads old ‘70’s Gold Cup!!

Jon Eulette in California could probably freshen it up for ya!
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target” Empty Re: Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target”

Post by RodJ 7/29/2021, 7:41 pm

James, thanks that is a good question. From my reading here, several folks (and I think even Mr Eulette) made some comments that the Colts weren’t as easy to work on. But I do like your thinking, because that was my first thought. It occurs to me that the simple thing to do would be to contact him and ask his thoughts. Thank heaven this resource exists for us newbies.


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Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target” Empty Re: Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target”

Post by kc.crawford.7 7/30/2021, 7:11 am

I believe the "difference" is in advertising at the time the pistol was produced.  I think the guns are identical is every aspect.

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Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target” Empty Re: Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target”

Post by James Hensler 7/30/2021, 7:20 am

kc.crawford.7 wrote:I believe the "difference" is in advertising at the time the pistol was produced.  I think the guns are identical is every aspect.
I called Springfield once asking questions about the 2 
The rep said a standard RO was just that Standard with no hand fitting. I made the guy look at their website and showed him where they claim it was . He said I build them and they are not! He also said that the elite was picked from stock and hand a tiny bit of fitting done to it
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Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target” Empty Re: Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target”

Post by RodJ 7/30/2021, 8:08 am

Thank you, KC. I suspect you’ve handled a lot of Springfields and located and measured every dimension and orifice, and fit a lot of them. Very helpful.

And thanks James for that info. It’s interesting to learn what tech service knows, and sometimes doesn’t seem to know, about their own products.

Guessing that any small amount of fitting that may go into an RO isn’t worth the price jump (to me) unless it’s in the trigger esp if my goal is to eventually send it off to KC, Salyer, Eulette or other accomplished BE smith.


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Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target” Empty Re: Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target”

Post by Jack H 7/31/2021, 5:39 am

I bought two additional Range Officer 45 just because the triggers were excellent crisp releases that I like.  Have not even shot them yet.
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Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target” Empty Re: Another ( !)Question on “Range Officer” and “Range Officer Target”

Post by NuJudge 8/1/2021, 7:55 pm

I bought what Springfield Inc marketed as a "Range Officer", with adjustable sights, several years ago.  "Range Officer" is not marked on it, "1911A1" is marked on it.  BATF insists "1911A1" goes on the paperwork.


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