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Zero 38 HBWC

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Zero 38 HBWC Empty Zero 38 HBWC

Post by Gary Collette Sat Oct 30, 2021 12:48 pm

I shot some of the Zero 38 cal HBWC this AM to see how they would compare to the 
DEWC that I have loaded and the Remington HBWC that I also have loaded and shot.
First off I shot indoors at 25 yards and will move outdoors and shoot 50 yards when the rain stops.
The DEWC's would hit off call too often for me to use in any match for short line only.
The Remington's always hit on call and I will use them for long line as I have had good results using them there.
The zeros this AM shot a ten ring group off of the bench and were on call off hand.
This is out of a 52-2 using a Vortex Venom in the rear sight slot and Horton grips.
Load is 2.8 BE Winchester brass and primers.
I might add that with the stock grip slabs NOTHING I tried would shoot on call better than 
I was unable to be consistent in gripping the pistol so the impact at the target showed the result of that.
The  Horton grip that I put on this pistol made a HUGE improvement.
I see follow through stressed with this pistol and while it is important I wonder how many shooters are having the grip issue 
blaming their follow through for the poor results?

Gary Collette
Gary Collette

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Zero 38 HBWC Empty Re: Zero 38 HBWC

Post by zanemoseley Sat Oct 30, 2021 2:06 pm

Slab grips are the standard by which all others are measured. If anything I've heard of shooters losing points going to ergo grips as it's harder to maintain proper grip pressure with them. Of course "one size" does not fit all shooters. Personally I don't like the arched housing on the 52 compared to a 1911 so maybe you have the same issue and the ergo helps that for you.


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Zero 38 HBWC Empty Re: Zero 38 HBWC

Post by Gary Collette Sat Oct 30, 2021 3:46 pm

The arched mainspring housing is a good point.
I much prefer a flat,
Hell I much prefer a 1911 and am sure I will end up with a 38 WC 1911.
The ergo grips from Dick H. were a big help getting my finger into the trigger correctly for me
and being fatter with finger grooves allow me to pull the grip straight back into the heel
of my hand.
The arch is under the wood so it is gone.
The grips are not perfect because they must enclose the frame and this makes the shape 
 little thick front to back. I removed as much wood as I could to improve this.
My trigger finger just is able get the trigger into the knuckle crease.
To get it there, I must be very deliberate how I grab the pistol.
Once into it it seems to stay put during sustained fire.
I am lucky to have a larger than average hand.
I am not sure how these grips would work with medium sized hands.

Gary Collette
Gary Collette

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Join date : 2020-01-21

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Zero 38 HBWC Empty Re: Zero 38 HBWC

Post by chiz1180 Sat Oct 30, 2021 4:32 pm

I too have recently tried the zero hbwc, I think the results are promising. Seem to print a bit different than the hornady 148hbwc that I had been shooting previously. I have not shot them at 50 yet, but probably will eventually.

First 20 shots at 25 sustained fire pace. . 2.7 wst, seated flush with a firm crimp out of a 38 1911.
Zero 38 HBWC Img_7510

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Zero 38 HBWC Empty Re: Zero 38 HBWC

Post by kjanracing Fri Nov 05, 2021 9:21 am

They tend to keyhole a bit at 50 yards. Not necessarily a bad thing. I’ve picked up a few points here and there with the elongated hole touching the scoring ring.

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Zero 38 HBWC Empty Re: Zero 38 HBWC

Post by BE Mike Sat Nov 06, 2021 10:15 am

I was shooting some Federal 148 gr. WC Match ammo through a S&W Model 10 revolver the other day and as usual, a few of the rounds left a scuff (I only call a key hole shot, when it actually enters sideways). I was shooting at the maximum distance available, 25 yds. Considering the dinky sights and small grip, I was able to keep them in the 10 ring from a standing, two-handed stance. In the past, when shooting a model 52-1, the thing I noticed the most was at the long line. Any error in technique on my part resulted in a magnified outer hit, compared to a .45 ACP wad 1911. These targets are ancient history, but show that with the Model 52-1, when I was on, I was on. Zero 38 HBWC 6YDxMba
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