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Dies with best expander for 32 H&R

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Dies with best expander for 32 H&R Empty Dies with best expander for 32 H&R

Post by inthebeech 1/17/2022, 8:04 am

I’m looking in to who has the longest expander button in their 32 expander die.  Best situation is a button that is long enough to expand the full length of the 98 gr WC when seated flush or near flush.  Leaving cases in fired state is not the best option; since it’s a revolver , I would have six slightly different fired case diameters.  And since I’ll be using solid wad cutters, I can’t rely on filling the throats and the bore through expansion of the base like you can with hbwc’s.  For my model 14, I had a machinist turn an extra long button.  If I don’t have to do this again for the 32, all the better.  From photos it looks like everyone’s buttons have body lengths that are too short.  I am sorted out when I load on the Dillon since I found extra long powder-through expanders.  I’m only talking about standard die sets here.  While I’m at it I may as well ask if anyone has a seater plug with a flat face.  I made one of these as well for my 38.

Tooling up for a new cartridge after thirty years of reloading for the same ones, is a pita.


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Dies with best expander for 32 H&R Empty Re: Dies with best expander for 32 H&R

Post by PhotoEscape 1/17/2022, 10:25 am



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Dies with best expander for 32 H&R Empty Re: Dies with best expander for 32 H&R

Post by inthebeech 1/17/2022, 3:28 pm

Yea, I know.  This is what I said above…

“I am sorted out when I load on the Dillon since I found extra long powder-through expanders.”

See further in the OP where I am specifically asking for a standard expander die with this feature.

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Dies with best expander for 32 H&R Empty Re: Dies with best expander for 32 H&R

Post by WesG 1/17/2022, 11:21 pm

Good luck.

Make your own, or get the single stage die ...


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Dies with best expander for 32 H&R Empty Re: Dies with best expander for 32 H&R

Post by Sa-tevp 1/17/2022, 11:45 pm

inthebeech wrote:....Leaving cases in fired state is not the best option; since it’s a revolver , I would have six slightly different fired case diameters.  And since I’ll be using solid wad cutters, I can’t rely on filling the throats and the bore through expansion of the base like you can with hbwc’s.  

For my 38 Spl brass and 45 ACP I use a sizing die for another cartridge as it doesn't size the brass down as much as the dies meant for jacketed bullets but all the cartridges still fit chamber gauges. You could look into identifying the smallest cases from the tightest chamber and then shop for a sizing die.

For an expander have you looked at rifle expanders? NOE Bullet Moulds has a lot of products that may fit your purpose. https://noebulletmolds.com/site/product-category/expanders/

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Dies with best expander for 32 H&R Empty Re: Dies with best expander for 32 H&R

Post by tomsp8 1/18/2022, 8:53 pm

The NOE expander plugs are pretty good for wadcutters and cheap. I already had the Lee universal die, but they are cheap as well.  Still waiting on Lee to start offering a +.002 sizing die. They still aren't taking custom orders. https://noebulletmolds.com/site/shop/expanders/expander-plug-pistol/317-x-313-p-exp-plug/


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Dies with best expander for 32 H&R Empty Re: Dies with best expander for 32 H&R

Post by inthebeech 1/20/2022, 8:44 am

[quote="tomsp8"]The NOE expander plugs are pretty good for wadcutters and cheap. I already had the Lee universal die, but they are cheap as well.  Still waiting on Lee to start offering a +.002 sizing die. They still aren't taking custom orders. https://noebulletmolds.com/site/shop/expanders/expander-plug-pistol/317-x-313-p-exp-plug/[/quote]

This will work.  Thank You.

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