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Trigger Exercise

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Trigger Exercise Empty Trigger Exercise

Post by sbtzc Sun Jan 30, 2022 4:37 pm

Just a lowly sharpshooter here but I found this a helpful experience. 

0.) Make a pistol safe, magazine out, empty chamber, point in a safe direction.
1.) Dry fire for 5 or 10 minutes paying particular attention to how your trigger feels.
2.] Put the pistol away and get out a pen and paper.
3.) Without touching the pistol, describe your trigger in writing.

Describe everything; How the serrations or smoothness feel to the finger. How you feel for and find the 'spot'. The weight of the take-up. Any grit, tic or smoothness as it moves. The transition to the 1st stage. How your finger tissue compresses. Hand and wrist muscle contractions as you pull. Changes in weight or feel as the sear moves. Changes in grit, tics or smoothness, again. Change when the hammer drops. Feeling as it moves to the trigger stop. Anything and everything. Describe in detail.

This essay should easily fill a notebook page.

4.) Pick up the pistol and dry fire again.

Does your description match?

5.) Correct your essay.

I found a new intimacy with my trigger. 

Just my 2¢

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Trigger Exercise Empty Re: Trigger Exercise

Post by msmith44 Sun Jan 30, 2022 11:53 pm

BUT... was it as good as the trigger as it was for you?


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Trigger Exercise Empty Re: Trigger Exercise

Post by jwax Tue Feb 15, 2022 9:02 pm

Knowing your trigger may be a fine exercise, but isn't the break point the crucial part?

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Trigger Exercise Empty Re: Trigger Exercise

Post by Merick Tue Feb 15, 2022 11:35 pm

jwax wrote:Knowing your trigger may be a fine exercise, but isn't the break point the crucial part?
Yes and no, what you are doing at the break point is the crucial part.  That sounds a lot like the Bruce Lee pointing at the moon, but it's true.


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