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Best dealer for magnus bullets

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Best dealer for magnus bullets Empty Best dealer for magnus bullets

Post by kohlerpartsgod 4/3/2022, 7:33 pm

I am on the hunt for Magnus #808 bullets. Wish me luck! Does anybody have a dealer that they can recommend?  Thanks


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Best dealer for magnus bullets Empty Re: Best dealer for magnus bullets

Post by dannyd93140 4/3/2022, 8:03 pm

Midsouth shooter supply carries them but they are out of stock, but they do have the 811 same bullet just hollow point.  They are good people to deal with.  I cast that same bullet using a lee mold.

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Best dealer for magnus bullets Empty Re: Best dealer for magnus bullets

Post by BE Mike 4/4/2022, 9:21 am

In my experience Midsouth will not accept a return if you make a mistake when ordering a product. They made me prove that I did not order something they shipped to me in error. That was quite a while ago, so it could be that they changed their policy. At that time they were also carrying an off-brand line of reloading equipment. Looks like they wised up regarding that.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Best dealer for magnus bullets Empty Re: Best dealer for magnus bullets

Post by Magnusbullets 4/5/2022, 5:10 pm

We hope to get more 45 bullets to midsouth and chamchoice in the next Two weeks.


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