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Ed Hall's match software

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Ed Hall's match software Empty Ed Hall's match software

Post by David Donley 4/20/2022, 9:30 am

Want to try out Ed Hall's 2700 match software.  Have heard good reports about it.  However, it isn't compatible with the Excel 2003 I have on the range computer.  Which version(s) of Excel will work?

Thanks in advance.

David Donley
River Bend Gun Club

David Donley

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Join date : 2011-06-13

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Ed Hall's match software Empty Re: Ed Hall's match software

Post by Ed Hall 4/20/2022, 11:58 am

I should know this, but don't.  I haven't done anything since 2018.  Whatever version of Excel existed then is probably what I used to update the package.  It would take me a bit to find the original (c1995) version of my package, but it might be abe to run under Excel 2003.  I'll try to find it, if that helps.

Edit: I don't use Windows at all anymore and someone was kind enough to let me use their system to make the changes back in 2018. So, I haven't kept track of the Excel versions.

Ed Hall

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Join date : 2012-09-11
Location : Adirondack Mountains


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