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LEAGUE (not Match) SOFTWARE - Any Interest?

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LEAGUE (not Match) SOFTWARE - Any Interest? Empty LEAGUE (not Match) SOFTWARE - Any Interest?

Post by Homey B Sun Aug 06, 2023 7:18 pm

Many many moons ago, I was the League Director for the Greater Long Island Shooting Association. That meant I was (by default) the chief statistician.

My predecessor had managed the league on handfuls of spreadsheets - it was a disaster at best, and since everything was double (or triple) hand entered, when things went bad, they went very, very bad.

I got fed up and wrote a comprehensive package (in MS Access) for the management of a large league. How large?

+ 4 Disciplines (22, CF, Smallbore Rifle, Int'l CF) so far
+ Multiple Divisions (Expert vs Sharpshooter teams)
+ Multiple Teams in Divisions
+ Scratch vs. Handicapped scores (both, at the same time!)
+ End Of Year reporting, including data sheets for reporting to the NRA
+ Emailing Team Captains (things like memos, results, etc.)

I am being asked to start up a league here in North Texas, which means that I will be unlocking and revisiting the package (once I finish with an overdue project for a dear friend) for the first time in ages. Since I'll be knee-deep into Development again, I had this strange idea that maybe somebody else out there might want to use it for making their lives easier...

Before I go crazy and customize this thing to eternity and back because of my own dreams, could you let me know if you're a league director and might be interested in seeing this in action? Where and how far I go depends on you, the other people who see a value in this. There's a lot I have not considered yet, a lot that needs pondering, and even more that needs documenting. But, for now, might as well share the news and ask for an initial show of voices...

Thanks for all the love (either way)...

Homey B
Homey B

Posts : 1
Join date : 2023-08-06
Location : Dallas, TX


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LEAGUE (not Match) SOFTWARE - Any Interest? Empty Re: LEAGUE (not Match) SOFTWARE - Any Interest?

Post by smdial Sun Oct 01, 2023 5:08 pm

Have you looked at bullseyetracker.com before you reinvent the wheel?


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Join date : 2015-09-09


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LEAGUE (not Match) SOFTWARE - Any Interest? Empty Re: LEAGUE (not Match) SOFTWARE - Any Interest?

Post by Scrapcan Wed Feb 07, 2024 3:14 pm

Our small league could benefit from this. Mostly from the standpoint of year end reporting. We have a small group of shooters, 10-20, that run a fall and spring 10 week league. We have forever kept minimal records. It might be nice for some of the shooters to have stats and reporting to nra at year end.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2024-01-24

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LEAGUE (not Match) SOFTWARE - Any Interest? Empty Re: LEAGUE (not Match) SOFTWARE - Any Interest?

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