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Adjusting Rake Angle/Hand Angle on Pardini SP Grip

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Adjusting Rake Angle/Hand Angle on Pardini SP Grip Empty Adjusting Rake Angle/Hand Angle on Pardini SP Grip

Post by lyoke 6/14/2022, 10:32 am

So this may be a little out there but I am testing a theory,

When working on Euro grips, specifically Pardini SP, is there a way to build up the material to help reduce the rake angle? My thought it to take material from the bottom of the palm (toward the back) and add material to the area where the web of the hand goes. This would dig the bottom in a bit and bring the top of the hand back. Essentially reducing the rake by where the hand sits. 

It doesn't need to be much but 5-10 degrees would make a world of difference for me right now. 




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Adjusting Rake Angle/Hand Angle on Pardini SP Grip Empty Re: Adjusting Rake Angle/Hand Angle on Pardini SP Grip

Post by BerryhillAC 6/14/2022, 10:38 am


I can stand up your current Walther air pistol grip to any angle you'd like a reprint it for the Pardini.  I do this job a lot for American shooters who are more used to an angle closer to a 1911 than the dropped wrist European target pistols.  And since I've already made one grip for you the Repeat Customer Grip discount will save some money on the deal.




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Adjusting Rake Angle/Hand Angle on Pardini SP Grip Empty Re: Adjusting Rake Angle/Hand Angle on Pardini SP Grip

Post by Tripscape 6/14/2022, 1:30 pm

NOOOOOO, do NOT mutilate you grip.  Pardini rake is super easy to adjust.   Rarely is it mentioned, but the bolt that screws into the grip is long enough to allow shims to either front (for even more rake) or to the back (to reduce rake).  Before you screw on the grip just place shim(s) in between grip and frame on either front or back.  This will effectively change angle without messing up anything. 
I used plumbing water valve gasket as a shim, it is dense enough and does not hurt original components.  You can get these gaskets in different thickness as well, and can stack them for more angle.  It actually works quite well.  
Here is an example:



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