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Source for 32 BNWC's

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Source for 32 BNWC's Empty Source for 32 BNWC's

Post by inthebeech 6/17/2022, 7:22 am

I thought to post this after reading another thread that went on about the ease (and difficulty) of getting an accurate 32 load (presumably the 32 Long?  I only have a 32 H&R so I'm not sure what the actual cartridge is that is chambered in your target pistols).
Although it is not catalogued, you can get pretty good 32 caliber BNWC bullets that test out to be about 15 on my SAECO hardness tester, from


I usually find 2-3% of them slightly underfilled so I inspect every bullet when loading but Tony will size them within reason, to any diameter you want.  Not many casters willing to give you this kind of service.  He is a good guy to work with and hits his commit dates.  I'm now also using his 38 and 45 (both acp and Colt) bullets because again, I have specific sizing diameter requirements and he accommodates.  Haven't put anything in a RR yet.

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Age : 59
Location : Harleysville, Pennsylvania

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