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Living with one eye done, waiting for the other

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Living with one eye done, waiting for the other  Empty Living with one eye done, waiting for the other

Post by Hillco1911 8/24/2022, 10:04 pm

I can remove one eyeglass lens for the eye with the cataract removed, but what’s it like dealing with the other eye, having to still work?
Thank you 


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Living with one eye done, waiting for the other  Empty Re: Living with one eye done, waiting for the other

Post by REConley 8/24/2022, 10:27 pm

If it is the master that has had the surgery, shooting eye, your brain should not be paying attention to the other eye when looking through a red dot. 1st it is the master eye, 2nd the target will be clearer with the new eye and your brain will ignore the OOF eye.

If you are shooting irons I can not say as my 20/15 vision, in the master eye, begins at 2 meters.

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Living with one eye done, waiting for the other  Empty Re: Living with one eye done, waiting for the other

Post by james r chapman 8/25/2022, 12:14 am

either get prescription lenses corrected for each eye, or cover the non-master eye.
lifes to short to fight it.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Living with one eye done, waiting for the other  Empty Re: Living with one eye done, waiting for the other

Post by zanemoseley 8/25/2022, 12:41 am

I wear pretty heavy lenses, think my worst eye which is not my dominant eye is -6, my dominant is -4.75 I think. I already like a paster on my off eye lens so I can keep both eyes open and not have any image shift. As long as you've got a good dominant eye just use blinders either small or large to keep them from competing.


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Living with one eye done, waiting for the other  Empty Re: Living with one eye done, waiting for the other

Post by Mike M. 8/25/2022, 11:58 pm

Depends on the difference...and how well you can handle it.  I had my left eye done 18 months before my right eye, and it actually worked pretty well.  The left eye was fine uncorrected for distance, the right eye was perfect for close-up reading.  Depth perception was a bit tricky, though.

Mike M.

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