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Success with Large rifle primers used for LPP

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Success with Large rifle primers used for LPP Empty Success with Large rifle primers used for LPP

Post by bruce martindale 8/25/2022, 7:35 pm

yes, the cup is slightly taller and the metal thicker but they worked 100% in one 45,and mostly in another.

Velocity increase was 25 fps with 3.7 BE.

May be a solution for SF not sure l would push my luck in sustained until proven out.

bruce martindale

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Success with Large rifle primers used for LPP Empty Re: Success with Large rifle primers used for LPP

Post by dannyd93140 8/25/2022, 8:32 pm

I have used them in 45 acp and 44 special without any problems.  Also drilled out the primer pockets on some 357 magnum cases and used LR best SD I ever got 9 fps.

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Join date : 2021-07-31
Location : Jacksonville, Florida

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