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3-D grip modification help

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3-D grip modification help Empty 3-D grip modification help

Post by valbern67 9/22/2022, 3:45 pm

Does anyone have a bullseye Precision 3-D grip on their 1911? Mine arrived and I'd like to see how they fit relative to the front and back straps so I can modify them accordingly. Please share pictures!



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3-D grip modification help Empty Re: 3-D grip modification help

Post by BerryhillAC 9/23/2022, 8:09 am


If you've got a little gap at the front or back you'd like closed up, the easiest way to do that is to use a hot hair drier to soften the grip material just a bit in a certain spot.  From there you can give it a gentle push with your fingers against the frame of the gun.  Don't be afraid to move it to your liking.  Some customers even put small finger indents exactly where they want them using this method.  And don't worry about messing it up.  If you're ever not happy with the grips, just let me know and I'll remake them to whatever specs you'd like.

All best,

Precision Target Pistol Grips


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3-D grip modification help Empty Re: 3-D grip modification help

Post by valbern67 9/23/2022, 11:07 am

Thanks Andrew,

I’m not sure how I want the front and back straps to look, which is why I wanted to see what some other folks have done with their grips.


Posts : 278
Join date : 2018-09-04
Location : Norman, OK

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