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Best magazine loaders?

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Best magazine loaders? Empty Best magazine loaders?

Post by mageepeak 10/6/2022, 1:34 pm

Hello shooters,

My old fingers need help loading a .45 magazine and a Browning Hi Power magazine. Please let me know what works best. 



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Best magazine loaders? Empty Re: Best magazine loaders?

Post by Pinetree 10/6/2022, 2:07 pm

This is what I use for my Glock and Springfield mags.


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Best magazine loaders? Empty Re: Best magazine loaders?

Post by Kp321 10/6/2022, 3:20 pm

+1 on Maglula


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Best magazine loaders? Empty Re: Best magazine loaders?

Post by L. Boscoe 10/7/2022, 7:43 pm

+2 on Maglua- only one I kept after trying several.

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Best magazine loaders? Empty Re: Best magazine loaders?

Post by Sevens 10/7/2022, 10:00 pm

This is a well traveled subject on gun forums and the MagLula always wins these days. And then I always show up with the "other option."

Decades before the MagLula took the market by storm, HKS was the big player. The MagLula has a huge advantage over the HKS in that one single Maglula tool covers a ton of different magazines and most folks love that.

However, I still prefer the old HKS simply because of the physical process. The Maglula requires a hard surface such as a table or bench top, though some use their leg or thigh. This is why I much prefer the HKS because it only needs the flex of your right thumb when it is in your hand.

I bought my first HKS in 1994 and in looking at the funny design of the plastic I figured "well that part is obviously going to snap off eventually..." Well, I still have my first one and it hasn't snapped and it's probably assisted in tens of thousands at this point.

So yeah, if you buy the HKS, you end up needing an array of them where you really don't with the MagLula, but it's still my choice. (and yes, I own the MagLula also.)

That crazy contraption that Caldwell makes is of almost zero use whatsoever.


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Best magazine loaders? Empty Re: Best magazine loaders?

Post by john bickar 10/7/2022, 11:16 pm

Young children?
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Best magazine loaders? Empty Re: Best magazine loaders?

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