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Lucas Solvent

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Lucas Solvent Empty Lucas Solvent

Post by Steve K 11/5/2022, 6:56 pm

For the first time I used Lucas Solvent and Sonic Cleaner to clean three bullseye pistols. It did a pretty good job, but I am wondering if the used cleaner is good for anything else. Should it be discarded, filtered and reused, stored separately and keep using until it doesn't clean anymore?

Steve K

Posts : 193
Join date : 2015-11-09

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Lucas Solvent Empty Re: Lucas Solvent

Post by dannyd93140 11/5/2022, 8:30 pm

I keep the once used in a different bottle and use until it doesn't work anymore also add some new to the old and use that way too.  Good stuff.

Posts : 197
Join date : 2021-07-31
Location : Jacksonville, Florida

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