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NRA Tournament Ops Service

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NRA Tournament Ops Service Empty NRA Tournament Ops Service

Post by CR10X 12/8/2022, 9:55 am

Ok, I got my 2023 Precision Pistol matches scheduled and approved by the NRA over a month ago.  Input and processing was very easy.  I got a very good turn around time and everything went smoothly. And they added the links for online reporting.  Just like in the past.

Today I had to change the date of my scheduled April 2023 Precision Pistol match.    

I sent my request with the Tournament ID in at about 6:30 am  this morning.

At 10:24 Shelly at Tournament Ops responded that she had made the change for me.

Just wanted to let everyone know about the great turn around time and service.  


PS And if you want to complain about something, I'd appreciate it if you would start your own topic.  I'm a great believer that the key to increasing the probability of receiving excellent customer service is a positive outlook.  As I have always taught:  "Excellent customer service is generally as simple as exceeding the customer's expectation of how the interaction will proceed."


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NRA Tournament Ops Service Empty Re: NRA Tournament Ops Service

Post by SaraiEsq 12/8/2022, 11:14 am

I've gotten great customer service from Shelly too!

Posts : 172
Join date : 2022-09-25

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NRA Tournament Ops Service Empty Re: NRA Tournament Ops Service

Post by John Dervis 12/8/2022, 8:16 pm

Glad to hear of your positive experience. Sounds like they are on a good track.


John Dervis

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Join date : 2012-08-29
Age : 55
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