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Has anyone tried this new optic?

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Has anyone tried this new optic? Empty Has anyone tried this new optic?

Post by Guest 12/12/2022, 10:17 am

Since I can't shoot right now, been doing a lot of window shopping.
Ecoteck has released EFLX model this is a REFLEX sight!
Has anyone tried it, looks interesting made for pistol.


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Has anyone tried this new optic? Empty Re: Has anyone tried this new optic?

Post by Wobbley 12/12/2022, 2:22 pm

I’m sure it’s a good quality sight since it’s from EOTECH.  According to the info I looked at it has the same footprint as the DeltaPoint so any adapter for a DeltaPoint will work.  A couple of caveats:  First, it is a reflex dot and they’re disfavored for bullseye shooting.  Not that they can’t be used but these don’t have the ease of adjustability that tube dots do.  Secondly, the EOTECH price point is much higher than their competitors.  SigSauer, Vortex, Burris and Holosun have options that are at a lower price point and I maintain that all of these are not less than what Leupold, Trijicon and EOTECH offer.

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