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What barrel length for Ruger 22/45?

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What barrel length for Ruger 22/45? Empty What barrel length for Ruger 22/45?

Post by wizzer 12/21/2022, 12:27 pm

Does anybody here have experience with the 4" vs 5.5" barrels comparing feel/balance to the 1911?
I am contemplating purchase soon but there are none in my locality to handle in person.  It may seem a little nit-picky, but we all know it comes down to how the weapon feels in the hand.  I do have a 1911 conversion kit, but really want a different dedicated bullseye 22.  Any opinions are greatly appriciated.


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What barrel length for Ruger 22/45? Empty Re: What barrel length for Ruger 22/45?

Post by Jon Eulette 12/21/2022, 12:38 pm

Get the 5.5”, balances better and has the weight you need up front.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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What barrel length for Ruger 22/45? Empty Re: What barrel length for Ruger 22/45?

Post by TonyH 12/22/2022, 6:32 am

I'll second the 5.5" recommendation by Jon....without question.

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What barrel length for Ruger 22/45? Empty Re: What barrel length for Ruger 22/45?

Post by shooterer 12/22/2022, 7:31 am

↑↑↑↑ Listen to these wise men ↑↑↑↑


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What barrel length for Ruger 22/45? Empty Re: What barrel length for Ruger 22/45?

Post by wizzer 12/22/2022, 10:14 am

Ok, 5.5" it is.   Many thanks.


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What barrel length for Ruger 22/45? Empty Re: What barrel length for Ruger 22/45?

Post by jgolba 1/3/2023, 12:27 pm

I have a Mark II 22/45 Ruger with a 6 7/8" barrel. A few years ago I had Ten-Ring Precision do an action/trigger job and install a barrel liner. The pistol shoots great. But, after reading this thread, I am now wondering if shortening the barrel to say 5.5" (or some other length) would bring any advantages. And...if the answer is yes, are ther any complications in shortening and recrowning a lined barrel? Looking forward to your responses. Thank you in advance.


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What barrel length for Ruger 22/45? Empty Re: What barrel length for Ruger 22/45?

Post by Jon Eulette 1/3/2023, 12:46 pm

jgolba wrote:I have a Mark II 22/45 Ruger with a 6 7/8" barrel. A few years ago I had Ten-Ring Precision do an action/trigger job and install a barrel liner. The pistol shoots great. But, after reading this thread, I am now wondering if shortening the barrel to say 5.5" (or some other length) would bring any advantages. And...if the answer is yes, are ther any complications in shortening and recrowning a lined barrel? Looking forward to your responses. Thank you in advance.
I would check with Ten-Ring, not sure how he cuts his barrel liners. In most cases they are stepped for gluing/epoxying into the barrel. As far as advantages go, a shorter barrel can be more forgiving at 50 yds from hand. If the weight of the 6-7/8” barrel doesn’t bother you your fine. Shooting irons vs. optics on the pistol can affect weight/balance.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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