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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

L. Boscoe
bruce martindale
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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Empty Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

Post by Orion 12/28/2022, 7:16 pm

I removed my rink grip from my 1911 and am feeling variation in grip while practicing for TF/RF. I need to self-check my grip from time to time, can anyone share a diagram of proper 1911 grip? I'm surprised none of my books show this. Thanks!

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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Empty Re: Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

Post by DA/SA 12/28/2022, 7:28 pm

A proper grip is such that the dot is centered in the scope and aligned with the target when you raise the pistol up to the target. Hand size and configuration such as finger length dictate that. There is no one proper grip that suits all. 

I have large hands and long fingers and can read about and look at images all day on how others grip pistols and in the end very little applies.

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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Empty Re: Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

Post by SteveT 12/28/2022, 9:22 pm

Competitive Shooting by A A Yur'Yev has a lot of pictures of how to grip a pistol. I know I've seen pictures in other books. However, they are all guidelines.

There are several ways to build the right grip. You can put you finger on the trigger and work backwards to how you hand fits the pistol or you can put the second phalange or the second joint (depending on who you read and the size of your hand) down the front strap, wrap your hand around and then adjust your trigger so the finger falls on it correctly. Oh yeah and you should either pull the trigger with the pad of your finger or the first joint, again depending on who you read. Any of the techniques will be a good start. After that you have to dry fire and practice to see if it really works for you. 

The key is to find some points of contact that you can feel when you grip the pistol to know your grip is consistent. I've never actually tried it, but I doubt anyone, including me, can see the difference between my perfect grip and a less than perfect grip. I believe the difference could be a 32nd of an inch, maybe even less. Then there are the difference in the hand on a hot summer day or a cool spring/fall day and hydrated vs dehydrated etc. I can feel when it isn't right, but I can't see it.

Here's a couple of pages from Yur'Yev there is a LOT more in the pistol chapters
Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Img_4311
Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Img_4310

Last edited by SteveT on 12/29/2022, 5:44 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Empty Re: Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

Post by Orion 12/29/2022, 9:30 am

Thanks Steve, I have a few copies of this book as well. Would like to have an original non-NRA first edition.. Great reference.

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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Empty Re: Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

Post by bruce martindale 12/29/2022, 9:56 am

What Yur' Yev doesn't show with these pictures is the accompanying stance and head position . You can see some indication of varying arm angle in the pictures. I try to talk about it in my book. Historically, I struggled to resolve the differences between International style Air Free and 22 Standard vs US 45 shooting. They are different beasts. I think I got figured out. Happy new year all

bruce martindale

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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Empty Re: Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

Post by L. Boscoe 12/29/2022, 10:45 am

Brian Zinn put out a Youtube video on how he  thinks you should grip a pistol, pretty informative.

L. Boscoe

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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Empty Re: Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

Post by weber1b 12/29/2022, 11:25 am

I think Steve hits the nail on the head. Anyone's thoughts on a grip is based on what works for them. I think it is good to take in information and make your own determination. I recently had a mini clinic with a master shooter who's hand size is very similar to mine and the input I got from him led me to work on a new grip that shows great promise for me.


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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Empty Re: Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

Post by chopper 12/29/2022, 8:26 pm

Sometimes you have to adapt another persons grip version based on your own hand makeup. Zins has fat stubby fingers, mine are thinner longer so his version doesn't work well for me. Slabs could be too thick or thin, trigger could be too long or short, or the mainspring housing could be arched or flat. You can get a mainspring housing that is tapered, it's wider at the bottom so it forces your hand tight into the beavertail. 


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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Empty Re: Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

Post by Orion 12/29/2022, 11:05 pm

bruce martindale wrote:What Yur' Yev doesn't show with these pictures is the accompanying stance and head position . You can see some indication of varying arm angle in the pictures. I try to talk about it in my book. Historically, I struggled to resolve the differences between International style Air Free and 22 Standard vs US 45 shooting. They are different beasts. I think I got figured out. Happy new year all

Where can I find a preview of your book?

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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Empty Re: Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

Post by Orion 12/29/2022, 11:06 pm

L. Boscoe wrote:Brian Zinn put out a Youtube video on how he  thinks you should grip a pistol, pretty informative.

I’ve been using the zins grip for years and didn’t know it.

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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Empty Re: Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

Post by Orion 12/29/2022, 11:07 pm

weber1b wrote:I think Steve hits the nail on the head. Anyone's thoughts on a grip is based on what works for them. I think it is good to take in information and make your own determination. I recently had a mini clinic with a master shooter who's hand size is very similar to mine and the input I got from him led me to work on a new grip that shows great promise for me.

I’d like to attend a bullseye clinic, but I highly doubt there’s one run near Houston, TX

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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Empty Re: Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

Post by shanneba 12/30/2022, 3:54 am

Orion wrote:
bruce martindale wrote:What Yur' Yev doesn't show with these pictures is the accompanying stance and head position . You can see some indication of varying arm angle in the pictures. I try to talk about it in my book. Historically, I struggled to resolve the differences between International style Air Free and 22 Standard vs US 45 shooting. They are different beasts. I think I got figured out. Happy new year all

Where can I find a preview of your book?

Info on Bruce's book is in this thread:
Book review Feeling Center The Art and Science of (bullseyeforum.net)


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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Empty Re: Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

Post by weber1b 12/30/2022, 8:21 am

Orion wrote:
weber1b wrote:I think Steve hits the nail on the head. Anyone's thoughts on a grip is based on what works for them. I think it is good to take in information and make your own determination. I recently had a mini clinic with a master shooter who's hand size is very similar to mine and the input I got from him led me to work on a new grip that shows great promise for me.

I’d like to attend a bullseye clinic, but I highly doubt there’s one run near Houston, TX
The mini clinic I referred to was a one on one conversation at Camp Perry. These kind of things can happen anywhere Bullseye shooters gather.


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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Empty Re: Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

Post by John Dervis 12/30/2022, 9:36 am

L. Boscoe wrote:Brian Zinn put out a Youtube video on how he  thinks you should grip a pistol, pretty informative.

One facet of the Zins Grip that I found helpful was that the gun retains it's position after firing and recoil.  Many grips/trigger finger position etc feel great during dryfire but once a live shot is fired, the gun will twist.  This will cause subsequent shots to be inconsistent with the first.  Zins recommends the back of the gun to follow the crease of your hand which to me actually feels awkward but it controls the guns movement and puts it in a natural position when you come down from recoil.  As others have mentioned, grip will be an individual thing that you will want to experiment with but keep in mind that it should work after that live shot is fired and not just dryfiring.


John Dervis

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Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip Empty Re: Diagram of Proper 1911 Grip

Post by 10sandxs 1/2/2023, 2:08 am

I tried using zins grip. After a year and dropping a class. I was t back to what workes for me...


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