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9mm 150 gr Hi-Tek Coated SWC

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9mm 150 gr Hi-Tek Coated SWC Empty 9mm 150 gr Hi-Tek Coated SWC

Post by tovaert 1/14/2023, 2:59 pm

Curious if anyone here has loaded and fired these through a 1:10 twist barrel? Any feedback is appreciated.


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Join date : 2018-11-28

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9mm 150 gr Hi-Tek Coated SWC Empty Re: 9mm 150 gr Hi-Tek Coated SWC

Post by Michael C 1/28/2023, 3:22 pm

Not exactly what your looking for but, I’v shot them in 38 super in international with irons in a 16 twist kart.  They shoot well for me, but, that is only a 25 yard event.

Michael C

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Join date : 2012-12-12

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9mm 150 gr Hi-Tek Coated SWC Empty Re: 9mm 150 gr Hi-Tek Coated SWC

Post by Packeagle 2/2/2023, 9:33 pm

I picked some up. I've had good results with the 125s in my CZ Shadow. Pushing them really slow. I'm worried about case volume loading to that short an OAL to function that pistol.


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Join date : 2021-08-26

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9mm 150 gr Hi-Tek Coated SWC Empty Re: 9mm 150 gr Hi-Tek Coated SWC

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