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185 grn. coated load

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185 grn. coated load Empty 185 grn. coated load

Post by funski 7/6/2023, 7:08 am

I am switching from 200 grn. to 185 grn.  coated bullet.   I will be using N310.  Any reloading stats would be greater appreciated.   This will be for 25yd. only.

Thanks in advance



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185 grn. coated load Empty Re: 185 grn. coated load

Post by DA/SA 7/6/2023, 7:17 am

What is your current load with the 200?

It should be about the same unless you are way off.

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185 grn. coated load Empty Re: 185 grn. coated load

Post by ser2711 7/6/2023, 9:01 am

I use for 25 meters 3,8 grs N.310 with 10 pounds recoil spring.


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185 grn. coated load Empty Re: 185 grn. coated load

Post by funski 7/6/2023, 10:04 am

I am using 3.8 to 4.1 N310.  So I'm in the ballpark some where.  Anyone going any lower than 3.8??



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185 grn. coated load Empty Re: 185 grn. coated load

Post by DA/SA 7/6/2023, 10:43 am

That should work with the 180's. I find N310 to get a little weird if you get too low. Velocity goes all over the place due to poor ignition. Unburnt powder out the muzzle.

Could be just me, as I was trying 3.2.

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185 grn. coated load Empty Re: 185 grn. coated load

Post by Allgoodhits 7/6/2023, 2:29 pm

3.9 - 4.0 gr  VV N310 works great from my slide mounted optic Accuracy X 1911. Depending on scope weight you may need as light as 11 or 12 lb spring. I run a 13lb recoil spring. I don't know what OAL but probably about 1.240". I seat to shoulder or driving band at .925-930". I remove flare for crimp, so calipers just drag off the case without any snag. Probably about .469 -.470"

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185 grn. coated load Empty Re: 185 grn. coated load

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