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Gil Hebard kit gun

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Gil Hebard kit gun Empty Gil Hebard kit gun

Post by Colt38amu 1/31/2023, 9:09 pm

I have a Gil Hebard kit gun in .38 special, I've heard that Clark was the actual smith on the Hebard guns. Any information is appreciated


Posts : 12
Join date : 2023-01-24

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Gil Hebard kit gun Empty Re: Gil Hebard kit gun

Post by Jon Eulette 1/31/2023, 9:15 pm

Clark, Giles, Shockey, and others built them.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Gil Hebard kit gun Empty Re: Gil Hebard kit gun

Post by Colt38amu 2/1/2023, 7:31 pm

Thanks much, didn't know that Shockey did, had heard that Giles did.


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Join date : 2023-01-24

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Gil Hebard kit gun Empty Re: Gil Hebard kit gun

Post by Rodger Barthlow 2/1/2023, 8:02 pm

Colt38amu I once had a Colt 1911 National Match 38 with Alison rear sight that I picked up from a local shop that was straight blow back design with no locking lugs on the barrel or in the slide. The barrel was actual 9mm and I was told Colt had put 9mm bore diameter barrels on them by mistake and would replace the barrel by cutting them off at the chamber and threading new .357" barrel to fit the chamber block which showed the threads on the outside of the block from the factory threading process.
I shot .38spl wad cutter ammo thru it and you couldn't hold the black at 50yds. I had a local pistol smith fit a new barrel bushing to the slide and sleeve it to take the play out of the barrel to bushing fit. It helped but didn't get the 50yd accuracy required for competition, so I put the factory bushing back in sold the pistol but kept the bushing I had made.
I now shoot a custom made 1911 38spl.
Rodger Barthlow
Rodger Barthlow

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