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Adjustable weight for 208, X-esse too

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Adjustable weight for 208,  X-esse too Empty Adjustable weight for 208, X-esse too

Post by Froneck 2/3/2023, 12:49 am

I just made a couple 300 gram of barrel weights for 208. I'm thinking if I were to drill the lower section that extends to the trigger guard and tap it 9/16 -18, that would drop the weight quite a bit, putting set screws in the hole will increase weight, possibly add lead bbs will add more weight than steel set screws. I can round the bottom to remove more weight. Also I can make it from aluminum which will drop weigh to about half of the 300 gram steel weigh and the tapped hole reduce the weight more. So a light adjustable weight is possible too.
 I'm wondering if there would be any interest in the weigh?? X-esse also.


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Age : 77

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