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Basic questions about ammunition - II

james r chapman
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Basic questions about ammunition - II Empty Basic questions about ammunition - II

Post by SaraiEsq Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:02 am

Ready for round two?

Ruger  Mark  IV Target
.22 only
iron sights

Now that my pistol is working reliably with a couple different kinds of ammunition, I would like to buy some ammo in bulk.  If I did my math correctly, I will need about 4000 rounds for the matches I hope to shoot in the next six months or so.

Of course, I'm not sure how best to proceed.  Here are today's questions:

1) What do I need to be aware of and watch out for when it comes to buying in bulk?

2) Assuming proper function in my pistol, what are the pros and cons of different weights?  I don't have a firm grasp of the consequences of different weights as it applies to precision pistol.

Thank you again for putting up with my questions!

EDIT: I meant my question to be more about the physics of why one weight is preferred over another, not what is allowed by the NRA/CMP regulations.  I got a down and dirty explanation from one of the local gunsmiths -- heavier is more stable -- but if anyone wants to expand on that, I'm all ears.  I do like equations but they are not required.  Much thanks.

Last edited by SaraiEsq on Thu Mar 16, 2023 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Clarification of original question)

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Basic questions about ammunition - II Empty Re: Basic questions about ammunition - II

Post by Pinetree Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:13 am

Target Sports USA has CCI standard velocity for around $325/5000 (when in stock).. plus tax (free shipping).

One of the guys on my team tried Norma Tac 22 that he got at Rural King and it performed very well.

In this day and age, I think you just have to get what you can get and go from there.

A visit to the local gun store gave me the impression that things are "returning to normal", but we have a long way to go (in my opinion).

To answer your question more specifically, 40 grain bullets are "the norm" for Bullseye shooting, and you're going to have to find out for yourself which ammo performs well in your pistol.. just beware of scam websites when buying online.

There's a wealth of knowledge on this forum, so do a little digging.

Also keep in mind the old adage: "The best accessory for your gun is more ammo". Expensive ammo might not make you a better shooter, but a whole bunch of moderately priced ammo just might.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

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Basic questions about ammunition - II Empty Re: Basic questions about ammunition - II

Post by djperry2 Mon Mar 13, 2023 1:50 am

I like what Pinetree said:
"Also keep in mind the old adage: "The best accessory for your gun is more ammo". Expensive ammo might not make you a better shooter, but a whole bunch of moderately priced ammo just might."

What kind of ammo was your Ruger most reliable with? Look for a deal online for a case of that. Then train/practice with it.
Just about any decent 22 ammo will clean 25 yard targets. There is no need to chase expensive match grade ammo at this point in your journey. Your best bang for the buck would be to build skill while using more, less expensive ammo.

If you haven't already, get Bruce Martindale's book - Feeling Center. Link at top of forum home page. I am working my way through that now trying to get back to where I was 35 years ago.

Getting old is hard but it sure beats the alternative.



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Basic questions about ammunition - II Empty Re: Basic questions about ammunition - II

Post by RADJAG Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:38 am

Go to AmmoSeek.com to find best online deal for your preferred brand.

Only buy 40 grain, lead, standard velocity (not copper plated, etc., not high velocity).

I just received 4,000 rounds of Aguila Super Extra Standard Velocity 22 LR 40 gr Lead Solid Point
Shipping + tax (AZ)

From FoundryOutdoors.com, very fast shipping. Directed to them by AmmoSeek.


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Basic questions about ammunition - II Empty Re: Basic questions about ammunition - II

Post by SaraiEsq Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:54 pm

RADJAG wrote:

Only buy 40 grain, lead, standard velocity (not copper plated, etc., not high velocity).

So, I understand why standard over high velocity (i.e., the transition to and from supersonic introduces inaccuracy).

But, why 40 grain instead of 36 grain, or something else?

And, why lead instead of jacketed?


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Basic questions about ammunition - II Empty Re: Basic questions about ammunition - II

Post by RoyDean Mon Mar 13, 2023 1:15 pm

Must be no more than 40 grain. AFAIK, there is no 22LR jacketed, per se, some is copper plated - particularly the HV stuff like CCI MiniMag's.

It does not make much difference whether plated or not, but IMHO some of the SV plated stuff is not consistent and accurate - why mess with it when CCI SV or Aguila SV is available and at reasonable cost?

There are a huge number of Bullseye shooters who advocate CCI SV for both practice and match use. I advocate Aguila SV for practice - I use Eley BPX for match - but only because it works in ALL of my guns and is more than accurate enough for practice (not bragging, but I've shot High Master scores with Aguila in a Ruger 22/45).

YMMV Smile Smile


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Basic questions about ammunition - II Empty Re: Basic questions about ammunition - II

Post by shanneba Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:06 pm

Prior to 2023 CMP had 22 bullet weight limit of 40 grains (I don't think the NRA had that limit)
With the CMP 2023 rules Updates there is no longer a 22-caliber bullet weight limit.

26th Edition—2023
4.4 Ammunition 
Competitors in any CMP sponsored, or sanctioned pistol event may use any safe single-projectile ammunition appropriate for the pistol and cartridge that is being used. 
Microsoft Word - 2023 Pistol Rules_v4.docx (thecmp.org) (see page 40)

25th Edition—2022-
4.4 Ammunition
4.4.1 Service Pistol Ammunition
Service Pistol competitors may use any safe ammunition that is loaded with
metal-jacketed or metal-plated bullets. Non-jacketed, wad-cutter or lead bullets
may not be used.
4.4.2 .22 Rimfire Pistol Ammunition
Rimfire Pistol competitors may use only .22 cal. rimfire long rifle ammunition
with bullets weighing not more than 40 grains.
4.4.3 Service Revolver Ammunition
CMP Service Revolver competitors may fire any safe, single projectile
4.4.4 Centerfire and .45 Caliber Match Pistol Ammunition
Competitors firing Centerfire or .45 Caliber Match Pistols in Match Pistol events
may use any safe ammunition.


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Basic questions about ammunition - II Empty Re: Basic questions about ammunition - II

Post by SaraiEsq Thu Mar 16, 2023 9:52 am

Got it figured out.  Thanks for the help, guys!

Happy shooting!

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Basic questions about ammunition - II Empty Re: Basic questions about ammunition - II

Post by james r chapman Thu Mar 16, 2023 12:10 pm


4.5.2 Rimfire Ammunition
Any safe .22 long rifle rimfire ammunition may be fired in Rimfire Pistol events.

james r chapman
james r chapman

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Basic questions about ammunition - II Empty Re: Basic questions about ammunition - II

Post by RodJ Thu Mar 16, 2023 6:41 pm

I went through this for a while and settled on Eley Target (seems to be the best for me but probably random luck of the day), CCI SV and Aguila SV.

Shoot me a PM if you’d like me to send you a sampler of SK Std+, SK Pistol Match Special, Eley Contact, Aguila SV, and Eley Target. That way you can try some without having to buy a brick and pay multiple shipping.

Onward through the Fog!



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Basic questions about ammunition - II Empty Re: Basic questions about ammunition - II

Post by Kermit Workman Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:00 pm

Reliability is the most important thing about .22 ammo. Make sure your pistol is 100% reliable with the ammo before you buy a case. (most generally 5000 rounds)
 In my Ransom Rest testing of (4) different High Standards and (2) Kart conversions there was insignificant difference in accuracy among most brands. The exception was Remington. It was always far worse than others.
 All the ammo tested fell with 1 to 1 3/4" at fifty yards for 10 shot groups. Or in other words all ammo was capable of 100-10X scores. You really don't need the high dollar ammo until you get to high master scores.
 Brands in the test was CCI Std. Vel., Aguils SV, Geco, Hanson, Federal ?? and others I don't remember. Many years ago there was a regional match that was a lead up to Camp Perry, so many of the top national shooters were there. The lady that won the .22 match was shooting Federal that she bought from Wal-mart. It was in a red/blue box and was called Lightning.

Kermit Workman

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Basic questions about ammunition - II Empty Re: Basic questions about ammunition - II

Post by 8eightring Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:31 pm

Kermit Workman wrote:Reliability is the most important thing about .22 ammo. Make sure your pistol is 100% reliable with the ammo before you buy a case. (most generally 5000 rounds)
 In my Ransom Rest testing of (4) different High Standards and (2) Kart conversions there was insignificant difference in accuracy among most brands. The exception was Remington. It was always far worse than others.
 All the ammo tested fell with 1 to 1 3/4" at fifty yards for 10 shot groups. Or in other words all ammo was capable of 100-10X scores. You really don't need the high dollar ammo until you get to high master scores.
 Brands in the test was CCI Std. Vel., Aguils SV, Geco, Hanson, Federal ?? and others I don't remember. Many years ago there was a regional match that was a lead up to Camp Perry, so many of the top national shooters were there. The lady that won the .22 match was shooting Federal that she bought from Wal-mart. It was in a red/blue box and was called Lightning.The lady that won the 22 match,
The lady that won the 22 match, was her first name Deloris?

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Basic questions about ammunition - II Empty Re: Basic questions about ammunition - II

Post by Kermit Workman Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:56 pm

Yes from WV

Kermit Workman

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Basic questions about ammunition - II Empty Re: Basic questions about ammunition - II

Post by BE Mike Sat Mar 18, 2023 9:12 am

Bill Blankenship has a good article in "The Pistol Shooters Treasury" where he describes a match where one of the shooters had a gun that was more accurate than anyone else's. He knew that his pistol wasn't that accurate and was concerned. As I recall, he ended up winning the match. After that he quit worrying about the accuracy of his pistol. There is a good lesson there for all of us pistol shooters.
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Basic questions about ammunition - II Empty Re: Basic questions about ammunition - II

Post by Pinetree Sat Mar 18, 2023 9:45 am

I was gonna make a comment earlier but I didn't want to derail the thread.

It's easy to get caught up in the gear aspect of a hobby.. whether it be guns or guitars or whatever. There's a tendency to overthink things and think "if I just had _____ then I would be a lot better at this".

Every time I think about buying a new .22 pistol I look at the target that I cleaned and remember that the gun I already have is capable and it's me that needs work.

So when it comes to ammo or bullets or powder, it's a lot easier to ask what others are using and go with that.


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