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Anyone ever heard of a SAM air pistol?

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Anyone ever heard of a SAM air pistol? Empty Anyone ever heard of a SAM air pistol?

Post by Nopro 4/2/2023, 5:27 pm

Anyone know anything about SAM (Swiss Arms Manufacturers) 10 meter air pistols? There's  one for sale near me for $750 but I've never heard of them. It may be a sub division of Sig Sauer. All I can find on line is inexpensive firearm replica bb guns made by them. It looks like a Morini with adjustable grips and stabilizers.


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Anyone ever heard of a SAM air pistol? Empty Re: Anyone ever heard of a SAM air pistol?

Post by chiz1180 4/2/2023, 6:04 pm

They are an older design, some were sold under anschutz. Parts are not easy to find and cylinders are probably out of date. The one I played with for a while shot well. Finding someone to work on it if needed would be a challenge.

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Anyone ever heard of a SAM air pistol? Empty Re: Anyone ever heard of a SAM air pistol?

Post by chopper 4/2/2023, 8:54 pm

Nopro, call Scott Pilkington at 931-924-3400. He sometimes has some air pistols to sell, I don't know if he's updated his used gun section on his website for a while. Those two LP-1 pistols are collector guns on there now. Also go on Target Talk forum, sometimes you'll see a decent priced one on there.


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Anyone ever heard of a SAM air pistol? Empty Re: Anyone ever heard of a SAM air pistol?

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