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S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers.

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S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers. Empty S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers.

Post by PhotoEscape 4/12/2023, 7:15 pm

There were number of threads on the subject of the title of this post.

I wonder how many folks load this bullet as is, and how many use bumped up bullets using method suggested by Dave / FC60?

I am about to start loading both variants.  In the process of setting up tool head(s) I realized that my favorite Redding seating die(s) have short comings.  Micrometer plugs (09073 & 09473) are too short, any dies have crimp feature.  So, cases get crimped before bullet is seated.  Contacted Redding - they do not have required length micrometer.  However, I was offered replacement that works fine (it was sent to me free of charge - one of the reasons I stay with Redding, - great company and great people are working there) with NON-bumped bullets, but deforms top sphere of Bumped up bullets.   Standard plugs that come with dies designed to work for loading 32 S&W Long non-WC ammo, i.e. LRN.  These can be used for seating bumped up bullets, but deform outer ring on non-bumped bullets.  I didn't do any testing on latter, and do not know if/how this little deformation affects accuracy. 

Please share your setup and any details on your loading process.

Thank you,

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S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers. Empty Re: S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers.

Post by Jon Eulette 4/12/2023, 7:27 pm

AP,  maybe you should have the seating stem machined to match your bullet nose profile? 
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers. Empty Re: S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers.

Post by PhotoEscape 4/12/2023, 7:33 pm

Jon Eulette wrote:AP,  maybe you should have the seating stem machined to match your bullet nose profile? 

It is done, - I have machined both micrometer adjustable and non-adjustable stems for Redding dies.  I think, they will work on some other brand names as well, i.e. RCBS.  Not sure.  I'll post pictures later.

Interested in others experience and any loading tricks.  I've never loaded 32 Long.  Thus any information specific to loading Speer plinkers would be of interest for me.

Here is promised picture.  On the left and right - newly machined stems.  Both have dimple to address sphere on Bumped up bullets.  Second from the left - OEM Micrometer Stem - SHORT!!!  In the middle - replacement stem I received from Redding - FLAT portion pushes on sphere of bumped up bullet, and deforms it.  Good for non-bumped bullets!!  Second from the right - OEM Standard stem - designed to seat LRN / JHP bullets. 

S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers. Img_6114

Last edited by PhotoEscape on 4/12/2023, 8:37 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added picture and description.)

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S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers. Empty Re: S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers.

Post by Rodger Barthlow 4/12/2023, 8:03 pm

AP I always loaded .32 S&W L on a Dillon Square Deal B and had no problems with seating the bullets using the Dillion factory dies with the flat seating stem.
I did use the extra small powder bar to get it to throw accurate powder charges.
Rodger Barthlow
Rodger Barthlow

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S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers. Empty Re: S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers.

Post by PhotoEscape 4/12/2023, 8:47 pm

Picture of bullets for the reference.  Regular Speer 98gr HBWC on the top, Bumped-up bullets on the bottom.

S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers. Img_6115

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S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers. Empty Re: S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers.

Post by NuJudge 4/14/2023, 9:17 pm

I have one of the Bullet Swaging Supply bumping kits.  I bump Speer bullets some of the time, and I shoot Bear Creek bullets some of the time.  Lots of brass is incompatible with these bullets, giving a bulge where the web thickens.  The Bullet Swaging Supply bump kit produces a bullet that shoots very well, but its hollow base does not resemble the H&N bullet.  

I shoot these bullets in a Walther GSP.  It has a .314" groove diameter.  The Speer bullets shoot poorly if unmodified.  My BSS modified bullets look substantantially different from yours.  '


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S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers. Empty Re: S&W 32 Long HBWC - loading ammo with 98 gr. Speer Plinkers.

Post by Wes Lorenz 4/14/2023, 9:59 pm

All my barrels are .308's, so I shoot them as is. I made a larger powder thru expander for my Dillon back in the 90's. Now load on a dedicated Star.
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