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38 Question: WC-BC

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38 Question: WC-BC Empty 38 Question: WC-BC

Post by Russ OR 4/22/2023, 11:59 am

In this reload data: https://www.grafs.com/retail/catalog/tech-resource/technicalResourceId/20 - under 38 spl Wad cutter a 148 is listed as WC-BC. 
What bullet profile is WC-BC?   -  - -TIA, Russ

Russ OR

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38 Question: WC-BC Empty Re: 38 Question: WC-BC

Post by RNS10X 4/22/2023, 1:42 pm

Greetings, maybe just a misprint for WC-BN, button nose? Rich


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38 Question: WC-BC Empty Re: 38 Question: WC-BC

Post by fc60 4/22/2023, 7:53 pm


You are referencing a manual translated into English from either French or Flemish.

Also, many of the bullets available in Europe have strange abbreviations. Again, it is in the translation.

Take note of the bullet weight and powder charge. Next, does your handload match the published velocity?

By the way, I tinker with several of the Vectan powders. Interesting color coding and shape of the granules...



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38 Question: WC-BC Empty Re: 38 Question: WC-BC

Post by Wobbley 4/23/2023, 11:14 am

Translation from French… Hollow Base in French is Base Creuse.   So a WC-BC is the same as HBWC….

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38 Question: WC-BC Empty Re: 38 Question: WC-BC

Post by WesG 4/23/2023, 4:42 pm

I was going to post a flippant remark to the effect that 'BC' maybe meant 'Base Cavity'.

Direct translation, 'Dig'.


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38 Question: WC-BC Empty Re: 38 Question: WC-BC

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