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Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel

bruce martindale
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Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel Empty Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel

Post by Rodger Barthlow 4/30/2023, 9:23 pm

I have an old / new to me pistol coming tomorrow, and it has a 1-13" twist KKM .45acp barrel.
I sent my SA custom shop 1911 out for a tune up and it has a new KKM 1-13" twist barrel installed.
So I'm looking for loads made around the 1-13" twist. Bullet weights and powders best suited for this barrel twist.

Edit to add; this is a slide mounted dot sight pistol.

Last edited by Rodger Barthlow on 4/30/2023, 10:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Rodger Barthlow
Rodger Barthlow

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Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel Empty Re: Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel

Post by DA/SA 4/30/2023, 9:32 pm

You may want to add if it is a slide or frame mounted optic, or iron sights.

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Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel Empty Re: Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel

Post by jglenn21 5/1/2023, 6:01 am

What the fast twist 45 barrels allow you to do is move to softer loads while maintaining accuracy. Unlike high power rifles where a  certain weight of bullet prefers a given barrel twist this does not appear to be an issue with the weight bullets we use and the faster twist barrels.. we have seen excellent results with rather mild loads such as 3.5 of BE and below. The 9mm is more traditional in barrel twist and certain weight bullets due to its higher pressure and velocity.

There has been a fair amount of testing with various faster twist barrels in 45 such as 10,  12 , 13 and 14 twist barrels. There appears to be no difference in accuracy due to the change in twist.

Start with your normal loads.for a given bullet and experiment with progressively lighter loads. I will say the 13 twist kkm barrels I've used perform well with the 160 button nose bullets in my normal load of 4.3gr WST

Last edited by jglenn21 on 5/1/2023, 12:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel Empty Re: Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel

Post by Foundryratjim 5/1/2023, 7:55 am

I have a Colt Gold Cup that I had Jon Eulette build into a BE pistol. I has the 13 twist barrel. I am presently shooting 180 gr.Brazos with 4.2 gr. of WST. It has a slide mounted ultradot. This load is on the edge of not cycling. I only have about 750 rounds fired with the pistol. Last summer it would function with 4.0 gr. I had to bump it up for the cold weather here. From a rest it will take the center out at 25 yards. Sadly I'm not capable of that...


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Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel Empty Re: Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel

Post by bruce martindale 5/1/2023, 8:49 am

Recoil spring weight is important for cycling. If you’re on the edge drop down 1#.  There’s posts, one of which is mine on how to test spring rates.

bruce martindale

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Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel Empty Re: Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel

Post by Cmysix 5/1/2023, 3:34 pm

bruce martindale wrote:Recoil spring weight is important for cycling. If you’re on the edge drop down 1#.  There’s posts, one of which is mine on how to test spring rates.
as the OP said, he does no want to do any research, he wants to get a list of loads that will shoot well in his pistol, you should attach the dissertation on spring rates in your post

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Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel Empty Re: Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel

Post by Rodger Barthlow 5/1/2023, 4:46 pm

Thanks for the suggestions everyone.
I'll get it figured out.
Rodger Barthlow
Rodger Barthlow

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Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel Empty Re: Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel

Post by jglenn21 5/1/2023, 5:32 pm

my suggestion on the 4.3 of WST is my normal load for both a 1-16 and 1-13 twist gun..   what I  would call my standard loads run just fine on the 1-13 guns. yes they will support lighter loads if you want to go that route and your pistol will support those

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Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel Empty Re: Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel

Post by RodJ 5/1/2023, 7:45 pm

Roger, check out this long thread by Jon Eulette.



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Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel Empty Re: Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel

Post by Allgoodhits 5/1/2023, 8:07 pm

Start with what worked before. Then reduce slightly, a tenth at a time, and try that. Spend more time at firing bench than at loading bench.

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Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel Empty Re: Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel

Post by Rodger Barthlow 5/1/2023, 8:10 pm

RodJ wrote:Roger, check out this long thread by Jon Eulette.

Thanks for the suggestion and link.
Rodger Barthlow
Rodger Barthlow

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Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel Empty Re: Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel

Post by popchevy 5/2/2023, 11:35 am

I am using 3.4 gr WST with a 200 gr zero. But I am also using magnum primers. Slide mounted dot , runs good and extreemly accurate for 50 ft. We are now moving outdoors, so I'll see if that still works.


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Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel Empty Re: Best .45acp Loads for KKM 1-13" twist barrel

Post by Rodger Barthlow 5/3/2023, 9:58 pm

Thanks for the suggestions everyone.
Since Jon tested it with 3.7grs of Bullseye and a 200gr swc I decided to do the same but didn't get the same results with my cast 200gr 130's.
I added .2grs more powder to the load and found utopia. It will eat the X ring if I do my part.
The gun only has had 100 rounds plus what Jon shot to test it fired in it so it still has some breaking in to do.
Rodger Barthlow
Rodger Barthlow

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