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9mm 1:10 twist barrel, 115 and 125 Brazos data?

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9mm 1:10 twist barrel, 115 and 125 Brazos data? Empty 9mm 1:10 twist barrel, 115 and 125 Brazos data?

Post by tovaert 9/25/2023, 7:27 pm

Curious if anyone has tried the lighter 115 and/or 125 Hi-Tek coated bullets in a 1:10 twist (1911?) barrel? Theoretically...way over-stabilized, but can they still group? MVs? I get okay results with 147 gr CRN Hi-Tek bullets, however, I was looking for 50 yd or 25 yd data for their lighter weight CRNs. 

I was thinking about it in terms of my service rifle: the 1:7 twist barrel is great for 77 and 80 gr Sierras, but it also shoots 53 gr Sierras very well at similar MVs.


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9mm 1:10 twist barrel, 115 and 125 Brazos data? Empty Re: 9mm 1:10 twist barrel, 115 and 125 Brazos data?

Post by Wobbley 9/25/2023, 7:31 pm

Try them and find out. My CZ SP01 has a 1-10 twist and shoots fine.

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9mm 1:10 twist barrel, 115 and 125 Brazos data? Empty Re: 9mm 1:10 twist barrel, 115 and 125 Brazos data?

Post by Jon Eulette 9/25/2023, 8:42 pm

With Atlanta Arms 115 match, I've shot groups at 25 yds from 10 twist kkm barrels that clover leafed.
The fast twist barrels group at 50 yds with standard/typical velocity ammunition in 9mm, 38 Super and 45.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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9mm 1:10 twist barrel, 115 and 125 Brazos data? Empty Re: 9mm 1:10 twist barrel, 115 and 125 Brazos data?

Post by rich.tullo 9/27/2023, 11:41 am

Walther PPQ, SWC is not good, 147gn Brazos is not good. My gun really likes RMR Match Winners so I am sticking with those, +1 on the Atlanta Arms.

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9mm 1:10 twist barrel, 115 and 125 Brazos data? Empty Re: 9mm 1:10 twist barrel, 115 and 125 Brazos data?

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