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Brazos 45 cal 160 gr Reloading Data for Clays Powder

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Brazos 45 cal 160 gr Reloading Data for Clays Powder Empty Brazos 45 cal 160 gr Reloading Data for Clays Powder

Post by Johnnie.Bair 10/3/2022, 1:16 am

I purchased some of the Brazos 45 cal, 160 gr Button Nose/Flat Base/Groove bullets (Hi-Tek Gold) but can’t find any reloading data for Clays Powder. 

Does anyone have a recommended load with Clays Powder and experience with these bullets at 25/50 yards?

Thanks for the help!


Brazos 45 cal 160 gr Reloading Data for Clays Powder D25b5f50-d2c8-4fd2-8ec9-fa79ed29463f


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Brazos 45 cal 160 gr Reloading Data for Clays Powder Empty Re: Brazos 45 cal 160 gr Reloading Data for Clays Powder

Post by Allgoodhits 10/3/2022, 5:45 pm

I can only offer that 3.7 - 3.8gr CLAYS works great with the 180 and 200 gr Brazos Hitek coated SWC. I would suspect that you may need to go to 3.9 - 4.0 gr w/160s depending on how your gun is sprung.

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Brazos 45 cal 160 gr Reloading Data for Clays Powder Empty Re: Brazos 45 cal 160 gr Reloading Data for Clays Powder

Post by Johnnie.Bair 10/4/2022, 10:12 pm

I have also tried 3.8 gr Clays with the 185 gr bullets and have had very good results. 

I am planning on trying 4.0 gr Clays with the 160 gr Brazo’s and will update everyone with the results. 



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Join date : 2011-10-17

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