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1911 Grip Safety Extender

Jack H
John Dervis
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1911 Grip Safety Extender Empty 1911 Grip Safety Extender

Post by mikemyers 5/11/2023, 8:25 pm

Does anyone make a good "grip safety extender", to allow the gun to be fired without the  grip safety is pushed all the way in?

Very annoying when the trigger scrapes along the grip safety, or even worse, won't fire the gun at all, being stopped by the grip safety.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Plan "B" is to remove the grip safety, and fix things with a file.

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1911 Grip Safety Extender Empty Re: 1911 Grip Safety Extender

Post by John Dervis 5/11/2023, 8:32 pm

I haven’t seen an add-on piece but there are beavertail safeties available that have a “bump” just for this purpose.  If the gun in question isn’t a showpiece, you could build up that bump on your safety using some JB Weld or similar product. 

Good luck.


John Dervis

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1911 Grip Safety Extender Empty Re: 1911 Grip Safety Extender

Post by Jack H 5/11/2023, 9:22 pm

Hot glue a layer of leather on it
Jack H
Jack H

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1911 Grip Safety Extender Empty Re: 1911 Grip Safety Extender

Post by Tripscape 5/11/2023, 9:49 pm

There are 2 non invasive solutions. 1 is to stick a felt pad. I found furniture leg pads to works great at minimal cost. 2 is to cut a recoil bumper or similar plastic. Both solutions do wonders, where 1 keeps your safety operational and 2 disengages safety completely.
1911 Grip Safety Extender Screen49
1911 Grip Safety Extender Screen48

Last edited by Tripscape on 5/12/2023, 12:13 am; edited 1 time in total


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1911 Grip Safety Extender Empty Re: 1911 Grip Safety Extender

Post by Tripscape 5/11/2023, 10:05 pm

To add - solution 2 you slide in mainspring housing with tail safety depressed. The additional plastic device locks bollom legs of your safety in place in a depressed state. So it is left always depressed until you decide to remove the little plastic insert.


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1911 Grip Safety Extender Empty Re: 1911 Grip Safety Extender

Post by mikemyers 5/12/2023, 11:05 am

Many months ago, I found a machined part that was to be glued to the grip safety, but I've lost track of who makes it.  I like the  idea of using "furniture leg pads" - if I can find one that is the right thickness and will stay in place.  Maybe time to search Amazon again....

As a crude test, I put a rubber band around my grip.  Looks stupid, but works.

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1911 Grip Safety Extender Empty Re: 1911 Grip Safety Extender

Post by Tripscape 5/12/2023, 11:14 am

Furniture pads stay in place just fine. Almost any thicker pads will work. Prep the safety with alcohol to degrease.


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1911 Grip Safety Extender Empty Re: 1911 Grip Safety Extender

Post by javaduke 5/12/2023, 11:28 am

Tripscape wrote:To add - solution 2 you slide in mainspring housing with tail safety depressed. The additional plastic device locks bollom legs of your safety in place in a depressed state. So it is left always depressed until you decide to remove the little plastic insert.
Hmm, if I understand this correctly, this would be illegal per NRA and CMP rules, because all safety devices on a particular pistol model have to be functional, they cannot be disabled even temporarily.


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1911 Grip Safety Extender Empty Re: 1911 Grip Safety Extender

Post by L. Boscoe 5/12/2023, 11:40 am

Les Baer told me to put skateboard tape on the safety. I like the furniture pad
better, but both work.  I got Nill grips, and they are fat enough that I never again
have trouble with the grip safety because my hand is stretched enough to depress it, plus the grips are perfect for me.

L. Boscoe

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1911 Grip Safety Extender Empty Re: 1911 Grip Safety Extender

Post by NukeMMC 5/12/2023, 6:48 pm

While grip safeties normally work just fine for me, when properly installed, I have put adhesive foam on grip safeties without the "speed bump". I also use that foam in varying thickness (1/16, 1/8 or 1/4) to be a filler on ergo grips.

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1911 Grip Safety Extender Empty Re: 1911 Grip Safety Extender

Post by mikemyers 5/13/2023, 8:11 am

Thanks for all the advice.

I will put some skateboard tape on my grip safety.

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