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Has anyone replaced a “new” style “glue-in Pardini SP barrel?

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Has anyone replaced a “new” style “glue-in Pardini SP barrel? Empty Has anyone replaced a “new” style “glue-in Pardini SP barrel?

Post by tomd999 Tue May 16, 2023 10:22 pm


Inspecting my barrel after the last 900, I found the reason for its recent drop in accuracy and reliability, the lead of the rifling is eroded away severely. I talked to the Pardini guys in Florida about it and they said it’s not unheard of that they see this type wear. I ‘m waiting to hear back from them on my options but has anyone here replaced one of the glue in barrels? I’ve changed the older press fit, ( the very early ones with the flange were more a tap fit) 

I’m thinking it’s a locktite type adhesive and heating to about 250 degrees F and a light push with a hydraulic press should pop it right out. The bigger question is what do I use for an assembly adhesive and is it a slip fit or is the adhesive a filler and the barrel has to be aligned in the center of the sleeve?

Thanks in advance,


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Has anyone replaced a “new” style “glue-in Pardini SP barrel? Empty Re: Has anyone replaced a “new” style “glue-in Pardini SP barrel?

Post by BruceV Tue May 16, 2023 11:23 pm

tomd999 wrote:Hiya,

Inspecting my barrel after the last 900, I found the reason for its recent drop in accuracy and reliability, the lead of the rifling is eroded away severely. I talked to the Pardini guys in Florida about it and they said it’s not unheard of that they see this type wear. I ‘m waiting to hear back from them on my options but has anyone here replaced one of the glue in barrels? I’ve changed the older press fit, ( the very early ones with the flange were more a tap fit) 

I’m thinking it’s a locktite type adhesive and heating to about 250 degrees F and a light push with a hydraulic press should pop it right out. The bigger question is what do I use for an assembly adhesive and is it a slip fit or is the adhesive a filler and the barrel has to be aligned in the center of the sleeve?

Thanks in advance,
A few years ago someone asked the same question on another forum and Pardini responded - 

The barrels on SP models are glued in and the removal is generally a complicated process. I recommend that you have us complete this process to ensure it is done correctly.

Best Regards,
Christian McAfee
Pardini USA LLC
Office: 1.813.983.9839
Fax: 1.813.899.1110

I'm sure if you call them they would answer your questions, if you have the equipment I don't think it would be all that complicated.

Post up what they tell you, and if you do the job take pics or even better set up a GoPro.


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Has anyone replaced a “new” style “glue-in Pardini SP barrel? Empty Re: Has anyone replaced a “new” style “glue-in Pardini SP barrel?

Post by Wobbley Wed May 17, 2023 12:05 am

I’m not sure it’s a matter of equipment rather it is likely very process dependent. Being a “Glue in” it is either an epoxy or a cyanoacrylate adhesive (Loctite). Either one will require a heat process to soften the adhesive. So best send it back to Pardini, IMO.

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Has anyone replaced a “new” style “glue-in Pardini SP barrel? Empty Re: Has anyone replaced a “new” style “glue-in Pardini SP barrel?

Post by RoyDean Wed May 17, 2023 12:13 am

Lots of folks have swapped out Pardini "glued in barrels". FC60 for sure, DM in AZ for sure. Heat, carefully applied, gets the OEM barrel out. Then it is simple to machine a blank (potentially with a threaded fixture or just install a replacement OEM and glue it in.

Most of the reports I've read relate to 32 barrels, but why should 22 be any different?


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Has anyone replaced a “new” style “glue-in Pardini SP barrel? Empty Re: Has anyone replaced a “new” style “glue-in Pardini SP barrel?

Post by 10sandxs Wed May 17, 2023 8:23 am

tomd999 wrote:, the lead of the rifling is eroded away severely. I talked to the Pardini guys in Florida about it and they said it’s not unheard of that they see this type wear. 
Any idea of round count? Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands???


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Has anyone replaced a “new” style “glue-in Pardini SP barrel? Empty Re: Has anyone replaced a “new” style “glue-in Pardini SP barrel?

Post by jglenn21 Wed May 17, 2023 10:13 am

As.for adhesive to be used, the green sleeve types of locktites  are designed for this. I use several on AR barrel installs. These are the 600 range of locktite brand adhesives

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Has anyone replaced a “new” style “glue-in Pardini SP barrel? Empty Re: Has anyone replaced a “new” style “glue-in Pardini SP barrel?

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