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S&W 52-2 Taper crimp ?

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S&W 52-2 Taper crimp ? Empty S&W 52-2 Taper crimp ?

Post by Lamar H 5/17/2023, 7:29 pm

If you ever taper crimped. how much did you use? .002 - .004
Yes I know will have to try just want to know a starting point and not waste 
powder & primers 
Cases std resize .375 Bullets .357 button nose & .358 Speer. 
Lamar H

Lamar H

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Join date : 2016-10-29
Age : 86
Location : Acworth, GA

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S&W 52-2 Taper crimp ? Empty Re: S&W 52-2 Taper crimp ?

Post by Sa-tevp 5/17/2023, 7:48 pm

I looked at my M52-2 notes and saw I crimped to 0.370". I just matched the Zero ammunition I had on hand and never machine tested the loads.


Btw, thanks for helping me when I got started with Bullseye at River Bend.

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Join date : 2013-07-20
Location : Georgia

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