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Need confirmation on Bomar Rib IDs

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Need confirmation on Bomar Rib IDs  Empty Need confirmation on Bomar Rib IDs

Post by RJaquith 6/3/2023, 3:32 pm

I have a couple of Bomar ribs that I'm going to list over on Commercial Row, but I need confirmation on one and possible id on the other.

The slightly shorter one appears to be a Bomar Tuner rib, but others I've seen actually have the word tuner on them. Based on the small projection on the bottom/front that looks like it would go into a 1911 front slight slot, it seems to be a Bomar Tuner for a 1911. Does this make sense?

The second one which is slightly long in the body, has an extended front sight, and lacks the projection on the bottom that the first one had; in addition, none of the screw holes match up with the other one, and the ejection port cut-out is also slightly longer. There is also a milled recess about 1.5" underneath the forward half. My fuzzy memory tells me that the guy I bought it from told me it was for a Model 52 Smith, but I've never seen one on a 52 - any ideas?




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Need confirmation on Bomar Rib IDs  Empty Re: Need confirmation on Bomar Rib IDs

Post by John Dervis 6/3/2023, 5:00 pm


  I’m pretty sure that top rib is in fact a Tuner Rib for a 1911. I have one with that projection as well but also have two that do not. Those two are currently mounted so maybe they do/did but I don’t ever recall seeing a tab for the front sight hole until I acquired this most recent one. 

  The lower rib is very likely for a model 52. I did know they were made with a standard sight so when I went searching for a picture of that, i found pictures of one with an extended front sight so those exist too.  The milled cut is to reduce weight so it will function with the lighter 38 spl target ammo.  I’m not sure what the market will bring for one of those but they do seem pretty rare so you have that going for you.

Good luck

Need confirmation on Bomar Rib IDs  Img_1010
Need confirmation on Bomar Rib IDs  Img_1011

John Dervis

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Need confirmation on Bomar Rib IDs  Empty Re: Need confirmation on Bomar Rib IDs

Post by fc60 6/3/2023, 9:10 pm


The top one is most likely for a 1911 5". Note the little nub under the front sight. This is to align the rib on the slide using the old sight cut. The little metal piece is the 'tuner'.

I sold a similar one like the rib in the lower photo. It was for the S&W M52. I 'think' they machined the slot to remove weight to aid in functioning.

For the lower rib, check it for fit against a M52. I believe the front sight has to be machined away for installation.

Both BoMar ribs were offered in standard and extended front sight models.



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Need confirmation on Bomar Rib IDs  Empty Re: Need confirmation on Bomar Rib IDs

Post by RJaquith 6/3/2023, 9:23 pm


Thanks for the information and the pics. For the 1911 rib, I guess they may not have marked them all, or perhaps it was an earlier one, For the suspected Model 52 rib, that would seem to make sense, although replacing the front sight if you decided to switch back might have been a bear.....

I notice in the pics with the rib on the 52, there appears to be a dovetail attached to the bottom where the rear sight would be, but that may be my eyes playing tricks; mine does not have such a dovetail base. The rib I have appears to have a couple of thousandths of slight thinning starting at the rearmost screw hole and moving towards the rear, but it's so slight it may have been part of the fitting to a slide.

I wonder if it would fit on a bald 1911 slide.....

Neither one has screws, but I'm guessing cap screws wouldn't be hard to find, or just let the next deal with that.

Your input was helpful and is appreciated



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Need confirmation on Bomar Rib IDs  Empty Re: Need confirmation on Bomar Rib IDs

Post by fc60 6/4/2023, 11:50 am


The supplied screws were #6-40x3/8 Socket Head Cap Screws.

Usually available at most well stocked hardware stores.

During installation, one always ended up filing the end of one or two screws so that they were flush to the inside of the barrel channel.

Looking closely at the image of the M52, that may be a filler block to make the pistol look more finished. I 'think' I can see a part line between the rib and block.

Flashback, the filler block may have come with the rib. Without it, the ejector depressor plunger and spring would fall out.



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Location : South Prairie, WA 98385

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