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Rl 1000 dillon

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Rl 1000 dillon Empty Rl 1000 dillon

Post by Mark McKean 6/27/2023, 8:08 am

My rl 1000 dillon needs some parts 
And ideas on who can help or were i can find parts
Or pick up another one for parts

Mark McKean

Posts : 22
Join date : 2019-10-25

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Rl 1000 dillon Empty Re: Rl 1000 dillon

Post by Rodger Barthlow 6/27/2023, 8:37 am

Give Dillon a call and tell them what you need or if broken you can send it back for repairs and they will repair it free of charge even if you bought it used.
Rodger Barthlow
Rodger Barthlow

Posts : 388
Join date : 2013-08-10

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Rl 1000 dillon Empty Re: Rl 1000 dillon

Post by NuJudge 6/27/2023, 8:42 am

An internet search says that Dillon is no longer supporting them, but there are some people that have parts:  


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Age : 67
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