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Looking for Transportation While at Atterbury

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Looking for Transportation While at Atterbury Empty Looking for Transportation While at Atterbury

Post by Soupy44 7/2/2023, 11:58 am

Per my other thread a while back, my wife is dropping me at Atterbury and going to hang out with her college roommate until I'm done shooting as many Xs as possible.  I'm looking for a ride from the hotel to Atterbury and back starting with a ride back Wednesday going through a ride to Atterbury Saturday morning.

I'll stay at the hotel you are staying (in my own room) and will pitch in for gas obviously.

I'll have a bullseye box, plus probably a backpack and lunch cooler.

Please PM me if you're willing to help me out!  



Posts : 249
Join date : 2016-10-24
Location : Raleigh, NC

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