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2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List

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2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List Empty 2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List

Post by SingleActionAndrew 7/3/2023, 12:54 pm

Hey shooters,

[With the help of shanneba, John Dervis & SteveT I believe I've captured the number of cartridges needed for the event.]

I signed up for every event I could, and would like to plan for the best/worst.  In the below table I've put together all the information I could find between the 2023 match program and the 2023 pistol rules.  If you have insight into a note/question, anywhere on the table I have a ? mark, anything you see incorrect, or any other guidance I would appreciate your sharing.

2023 Atterbury Pistol Match Ammo Reqs
DayMatch No.EventCartridgeTotalLong LineShort LineAlibi
Wednesday111 (132)Preliminary Match - 2222lr3510205
Wednesday111 (133)Preliminary Match - CF45 acp3510205
Wednesday111 (134)Preliminary Match - 4545 acp3510205
Wednesday131Harry Reeves Match38 spl3510205
Wednesday115Prelim' Team Match - 22 option22lr3510205
Wednesday115Prelim' Team Match - CF/4545acp3510205
Thursday101 (135-138).22 Individual Match22lr110306020
Thursday121.22 Team Match22lr3510205
Thursday#TBA.22 Rimfire EIC22lr3510205
Thursday1000Mayleigh Cup22lr353005
Friday102 (139-142)CF Individual Match45 acp110306020
Friday122CF Team Match45 acp3510205
Friday147Distinguished Revolver38 spl3510205
Saturday103 (143-146)45 Individual Match45 acp110306020
Saturday12345 Team Match45 acp3510205
Saturday#???Service Pistol EIC45 acp3510205
Match 111 (Prelim'): The prelim match is one NMC with each of the three guns
Match 115 (Prelim' Team): NMC is the course of fire. Gun could be 22, CF (45) or 45 so allow for each. Squad day-of based on Prelim' match
Match 121-123 (Team): One NMC per day, based on NMC performance in the day's individual 900
Match 131 (Reeves): The course of fire is the National Match Course

Count - Individual
CartridgeTotalLong LineShort LineAlibiPractice
38 spl70204010 
45 acp3259018055 
Count - Any squad outcome
CartridgeTotalLong LineShort LineAlibiPractice
38 spl70204010 
45 acp43012024070 

Last edited by SingleActionAndrew on 7/3/2023, 11:53 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated with info from shanneba on HReeves course of fire (NMC) | Updated with info from JD)

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2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List Empty Re: 2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List

Post by shanneba 7/3/2023, 1:45 pm

Match 131 "Harry Reeves" is a 30 shot NM course for CF revolver-

Last Years results-
DataWindow (nrahq.org)


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2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List Empty Re: 2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List

Post by John Dervis 7/3/2023, 4:59 pm

Here are a few answers to your questions along with my routine of packing which should help.
1) Match 111 - Prelim day.  You will shoot 1 - 30 Round NMC with each gun.  They only give awards for the aggregate so they add those 3 together to get the results.
2) Match 115 - Prelim Team Match.  First thing to know is that you need to be on a team.  You can be on the ISRA state team but you will want to talk to Ralph to see if there is a spot to be had.  If you are able to shoot on the team it will be a 3 man team.  You would fire one 30 round NMC with one of your guns while your two teammates fire the other two.  The firing order is usually decided at the last minute by how good you shot which gun during your individual Prelim. Your team score is calculated by adding the three member's scores together.
3) For the three Team Matches the same caveat of being on a Team applies.  Assuming you are on a team I will explain the 4 Man Team which will be more common.  There are at least 4 members on a team but can be up to 6.  On any given day, 4 of these members will fire 1 - 30 round NMC.  Those 4 scores are added up daily for the team score in that caliber plus at the end, all three days are added together for an aggregate award.  So if you were on a team and you fired all three calibers, you would need 30 rounds of each max (plus any extra you want to bring for alibis) 
4) The Mayleigh Cup is 22 only and it is shot by the top 10 shooters that shot the best slow fire scores during their individual match.  (2 SF plus the SF from the NMC).  I've never been on it but I think it is an Iron Sight only match.

Now for how I pack - in the old days I would take a couple hundred rounds of 22LR but that is small and lighter weight.
- For CF and 45 I shoot different loads for Long Line and Short Line.  I would get a Ziploc bag and throw a bunch of Long Line ammo in one and then double that amount of Short Line ammo in another.  Each evening (or morning depending on which relay I was on) I would load my plastic ammo boxes with what I needed for that next day.  This works out but you aren't really sure how much you have unless you count it out (which I never did)
- For EIC, I would take a 50 round box which covers the 30 shot NMC plus gives extras for Alibis.
  What I do today is a little different.
- 22LR is still the same as I used to because it's small and light.  Figure out about what you will need and round up to another box (or 2)
- CF/45/Hardball/Revolver - I have enough Plastic Ammo boxes that I simply fill each one at home, put a label in it and put it in a small duffel bag for the trip. 
1 - 100 Round Box for Prelim Day (30 + 60 Maybe extra, maybe not)
1 - 100 round box for CF (30 + 60 + 10 extra SL loads)
1 - 50 round box for CF Team (10 + 20 + Extra SL loads)
1 - 100 round box for 45 (30 + 60 + 10 extra SL loads)
1 - 50 Round Box for 45 Team (10 + 20 + Extra SL loads)
1 - 50 Round Box with extra Long Line Loads (In case of Range Alibis during SF).  This just stays in my box for the two days.

I won't be shooting Hardball or Revolver at Atterbury but If I was, I would follow my same theme above.
Even though I do bring extras for Alibis, it is pretty rare that I use much of it.  Each string that goes by without an Alibi is extra Ammo for the ride home. 

Good Luck.  Hope to meet you there.

John Dervis

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2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List Empty Re: 2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List

Post by SteveT 7/3/2023, 10:20 pm

John did a pretty good job spelling it out, but very basically you shoot three 900's (22, CF, 45) and a bunch of 30 shot NMC's (National Match Cours). Prelim is three NMC's and all the team matches and extra matches are all NMC's.

Matches that aren't fired are aggregate scores added together (i.e. the 900 aggregate is the SF 200 + NMC 300 + TF 200 + RF 200).

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2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List Empty Re: 2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List

Post by SingleActionAndrew 7/4/2023, 12:00 am

Thanks gents for helping me fill in the gaps between my knowledge and the match program.  I updated the tables on the first post which I believe capture everything. Please let me know if not.

Looking forward to meeting each of you in a couple weeks at the matches

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2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List Empty Re: 2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List

Post by SaraiEsq 7/4/2023, 4:05 pm

My math (.22 only) is fortunately easier. Smile

Prelim 90
22 90
CF 90
45 90
EIC 30
Total matches 390
Alibis ???
Practice after a six week hiatus ???

Total for the week = 800-1000 rounds*

*which reminds me, I need to go shopping....

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2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List Empty Re: 2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List

Post by NukeMMC 7/5/2023, 4:36 am

Alibis = 5rds per match, so for a 900 that means NMC, TF and RF, or 15rds per 90.  Add 5 more for SF misfires and "Just in case".  You could take 110 each for 22, CF and 45.  Since ammo boxes are 50 or 100rds, take 150 each.  Do 50rds for each EIC.

Better to have and not want than want and not have.

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2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List Empty Re: 2023 Atterbury Ammo Packing List

Post by SteveT 7/6/2023, 8:08 am

Don't plan on alibis. Bring extra ammo in case you shoot 200-20x or 300-30x then you shoot for bonus X's until you miss the X ring. Gotta keep it positive.

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